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Postby timpootle » Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:26 am

Excellent! Good work, Ed and all.

I will check my diary.
Tim Crumpton

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Postby geekygrilli » Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:57 pm

Good work, well done.
Few questions...

1. Is there any news on pricing yet?
2. Do you have to have a road licence to 'compete'/drive/any-age restrictions?
3. Are helmets and proban/nomex suits required
4. Can there be a class for lead acid fiat cinquecentos, in black?
5. Will there be charging facilities?
6. Max drivers per car?

7. Can we leave vehicls at the venue overnight? - I'll be trailering my car there, and staying at my brother's 20 miles away. Don't really want to trailer the car back and forward btwn the two days...

Again, well done on getting this event organised, much appreciated.


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rules, etc.? Electrathon 09

Postby ex925 » Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:02 am

Pricing should be very affordable per individual member....
Pricing is in the hands of the committee presently

A road licence for road vehicles and MSA-compliant prototypes, only EAPC-regulation-compliant Electric Bicycles and Tricycles exempt
The statutory minimum age for a rider/driver of an EAPC is 14
Quadricycles need to be either road-vehicles or MSA-compliant
This is the only way to qualify for full Public Liability cover as required by statute

For two-wheelers, a helmet, and some form of protective clothing for the rest of the body is required.
To be clear, protection is required against grazing in the event of a get-off at any speed.
To seek to compete in tee-shirt, jeans, no gloves, and flip-flops is absolutely unacceptable, UNLESS the machine is a "Cabin-2-wheeler".
Cedric's machine, and Arnold's "Ecomobile" are excellent examples of "Cabin-2-wheelers"
For more than 2 wheels, use practical common-sense, HOWEVER:
an excellent guide is given on the "GreenPower Racing" site, AND;
In simple terms, any human tissue at risk of external contact in the event of a "spill" needs to be protected.

Each vehicle is in it's own class (!!??)
The means to win is largely, but not entirely, by economic use of energy, with recognition of total carbon cost.
This is a speed-trial where profligate use of energy earns penalties.
It will be enthralling to see what configurations of machine work best.

Please bring a generator if possible.
Charging provision on-site is almost certain, but the level of demand is entirely unpredictable, and ANY help is welcome.

Le Mans this is not, (yet... one day?) but driver-styles may have crucial effect on energy-use.
So, personal results, (such as different riders/drivers of one machine) will be computed IF we have enough volunteers to log data.

This venue is a former airfield, with a large inner cordon.
ABSOLUTE overnight security at extra cost is under discussion presently, BUT, may possibly prove unaffordable

It is essential as many "members, family, close friends, and members of associated groups" (such as G-Wizz O.C. and C5 O.C. members, etc.,) are encouraged to attend as possible, else the BVS will make a serious financial loss
Please note the definition.
This event is not open to the general public at large, only to those fitting the definition above.
This is a matter of precision to enable proper insurance cover
I need to make it clear that Shakespeare County Raceway have set a bargain price for the venue, cover, and facility we have been given, a fraction of the normal cost. We all need to make full use of this opportunity, to make it a success, and ensure future EVents

Hope that helps, more soonest, Ed.

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Delay.... from Ed.

Postby ex925 » Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:45 pm

Due to a family bereavement I shall be unavailable on here for a while.
I have asked the committee to carry this forward until I return

stuart mills
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Postby stuart mills » Fri Aug 07, 2009 9:08 pm

I would hope that the only vehicles permitted to take part would need to be road legal or MSA specced.
That would rule out half of last years electrothon enteries and all of those at Santa Pod this year. My trike is out. My scooter is out and the car I am building out.
Please dont get hung up on legalities. Can a simple disclaimer be drawn up instead of turning folk away? This is a fantastic opportunity to hold a proper event here every year. "Everyone welcome" should be the message. Wear a helmet everyone, dont let anything obviously crazy enter and ensure common sense is available at all times.
MSA scrutineers will not be in attendance and road vehicles could be out of MOT. Can we revise the rules already please?

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"Road Licence": from Ed.

Postby ex925 » Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:44 am

By "Road Licence" was meant in relation to the driver, not the vehicle, in response to question 2 by "GeekyGrilli"

"The Rules" as given on page 2 of this topic, were a draft, seeking general consensus, including improvement

Stuart's view makes good sense, and "Everyone Welcome" is the way to go
The preference for "BVS members, family, close friends, and members of associated groups" is intended to protect the BVS and SCR against the sort of uncontrolled risk that Stuart was concerned with when he wrote "Wear a helmet everyone, dont let anything obviously crazy enter and ensure common sense is available at all times"

The problem that remains is that of adequate scrutineering
I feel confident that if people of the calibre of Stuart, Paul, Kelvin, and John, for examples, were willing to act as scrutineers, the underwriters would be satisfied.

Please could we have some volunteers to judge safety of vehicles, and suitability of riders/drivers? (including also safety apparel, perhaps?)

I shall send a copy of this posting as an email and PM to as many as possible, but.......

There seems to me to be a widespread problem with emailing presently, in that security systems appear to be rejecting legitimate emails
One example is that some of my emails with more than one attachment, or level of attachment, such as "blah.blah.whatever" appear to be wiped out by some mainstream anti-viral software

In the very limited time-opportunities available to me presently, I shall also try to keep looking in on this topic
Although I may not be able to post a reply directly for a while, I will, if need be, try to email some other BVS members to ask if they can post on here for me

All the best from Ed.

stuart mills
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Postby stuart mills » Sat Aug 08, 2009 1:46 pm

Kelvin and Stuart as srcutes then, all sorted

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Electrathon09, Shakespeare County Raceway, near Stratford

Postby ex925 » Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:47 am

Apologies to all.
I originally posted the wrong dates, off by one day.

The 2009 BVS "Electrathon" is definitely on Saturday September 26th. and Sunday September 27th. 2009.

Some of the committee members will be arriving on Friday 25th. to set up.
Anyone wishing to join us to help is welcome.
There is on-site camping.
I will confirm many other details ASAP.

BVS EVents-man

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Update, Electrathon09, Sept.26th. & 27th. 2009, from Ed.

Postby ex925 » Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:23 pm

1 The entry-fee is £25 per head for competitors
2 This covers both days
3 Spectators and marshals are free of charge
4 Will McPhee has offered help with transport to and from the Electrathon
5 He can be contacted on 0118 941 4873
6 Please could anyone who has one bring a generator?
6.1 (EVEN if you are not a competitor!)
7 The circuit will compromise the drag-strip and the return-roads
7.1 NO fast or hard turning is allowed on the high-grip straight strip
7.2 The circuit will avoid any need to turn or corner on the straight strip
7.3 This to avoid the cost of reinstating the dedicated surface
7.4 The dedicated surface has high strength in a straight line
8 Shakespeare County Raceway is dog-friendly
9 No alcohol consumption, nor any fires, are permitted on-site
10 There is on-site camping, with a toilet block, and daytime catering nearby
12 Shakespeare County Raceway postcode is CV37 8LL
13 If this BVS EVent is a success, we hope to have regional events next year, as well.. SO -
14 Please, tell everyone with an interest in reducing transport carbon-cost about this EVent
More soonest, from Ed. in Plymouth, BVS EVents-man
email events@batteryvehiclesociety.org.uk

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Electrathon'09 - it's all coming together

Postby ex925 » Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:08 pm

YES, just to remind everyone it IS on Saturday 260909 and Sunday 270909
At Shakespeare County Raceway, CV37 8LL, near Stratford on Avon.

Apologies for my earlier error in listing the dates one day out..... OOOoooops!

Only ten days to go, (me? panic?.....) and lots of people are giving a hand
Things like organising transport, sending emails, phoning round, sorting out some more generators, volunteering for the duties on-site on the day
It all helps raise the spirit and remind us that we can do this together, and enjoy it.

If you know of anyone who has any kind of alternative view of personal transportation, have a word, suggest they come and see for themselves
(entry is free to spectators)
If you know someone who has any form of EV or hybrid or electrically-assisted vehicle, suggest they come too, and bring their machine.
If they also have some kind of generator, so much the better.
They don't have to enter the competition
(unless they succumb to the temptation to find out for real how efficient is their device)

I shall visit Shakespeare County Raceway early next week to complete the final details
So, if anyone can think of anything they want to know, or arrange, just send me an email, on events@batteryvehiclesociety.org.uk or call me, or send me a text, on 07909-895940

Looking forward to seeing everyone who can possibly make it, either as a competitor, or a volunteer, or as a spectator
All the best, from Ed. Gordon in Plymouth

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