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stuart mills
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Postby stuart mills » Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:06 pm

I realise the mag is produced by volunteers, I also realise we there fore have no grounds for complaint.
I did however pay £20 to join in June last year and received nothing for it.
I didnt get a current mag, I didnt get the back issues promised and as far as I know the Dec issue is not out yet!
So where has my £20 gone? Its not the £20 thats the issue, but it is the principle of charging for no apparent return. No membership card, no receipt, no trade discounts, cheap insurance or any other benefit one might expect when in membership of this type of club. Maybe its spent on this very site.
Sadly the point I must make is that if you put your name down and cannot fulfill the duties associated with the post then shouldnt those not providing the service offer up the post to someone able to commit.
If that involves complex politics then we should at least be told not to expect anything for our paid fee, then I would hope we would all continue to pay our subs but not expect a mag.
Could I please be informed of the current situation?
I dont know if I should ask for a refund or just not bother again on my anniversary which comes up very soon. Just one mag would be nice b4 by subscription runs out please.
Hope I have not offended anyone, but I must let you all know how I feel.
If I have offended then just send me a refund and I will vanish.

Regards Stuart Mills

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Postby qdos » Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:28 pm

Hi Stuart.

Sorry to see your posting here but I can understand your feelings and to an extent thank you for publishing them. I have taken it upon myself to make some phone calls and some postings to the committee to get this sorted. You're quite right it's simply not good enough.

I don't know why you've not had any copies of the magazine as you should have had them. There are some problems currently with the most recent issue but they are being resolved but You should have had your membership card and you should have had copies of the previous magazines. I can only offer appologies for this on behalf of the society and I can assure you that I for one and very definately making sure that some one resolves this. I tend to agree with your sentiment and I've said as much in the Committee discussion forum. I will make sure it is heard.

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Postby ChrisB » Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:02 pm


This is just terrible :cry: I cant believe what I'm hearing !!!!!!

Is this a one off or are there others who have had problems with either memberships or renewals ??

I have had a couple of folk contact me about this and have passed their details to the membership sec and as I've heard no more thought it was all OK ??

May be not !!!!!

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Postby qdos » Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:25 pm

OK I've chased this up and we think we may have found the problem so hopefully this will be sorted out now.

Let me know if you have not recieved anything in the next couple of weeks and I'll chase it up again. Hopefully in the future now we've got the online membership feature on the Main Website pages this will be a thing of the past.

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Postby Tam » Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:18 am

That's bad luck Stuart and I'm not surprised you are fed up. However it must be a glitch of come sort.

I too joined in June last year, but I got back numbers for the first half of the year straight away, and have received all copies of Plugged-In sent out since then. So yours must be an unfortunate one-off thing.

I'm sure it will get sorted soon.


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Postby booboo » Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:37 am

Mark @ C5alive hasnt received anything either.... :(
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Postby ChrisB » Sat Mar 01, 2008 11:41 am

Oh dear I can see a trend gathering :oops:

OK we have someone at the membership Secs today so with luck a lot of these can be sorted out.

Certianly now the on-line side of things is now up and running mistakes like these will be rare.

Please bear with us while we are going through the transistion period and if anyone else has had difficulties or hasnt got their membership PLEASE add yourself to this thread.

Cheers ChrisB
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stuart mills
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Postby stuart mills » Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:10 pm

Glad to see you have taken my comments on board.
Hope it will be sorted but I'm still confused. When I joined at Newark kit car show I paid £20 but its £15 according to the site. Perhaps the man could send me a fiver back. I did fill a form in but I didnt get a receipt. Didnt get his name but he had a white electric van.

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Postby ChrisB » Sun Mar 02, 2008 3:55 pm

Hi Stewart I'll drop you a PM :wink:

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stuart mills
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Postby stuart mills » Mon Mar 03, 2008 2:40 pm

All sorted now thankyou

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