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Postby qdos » Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:43 pm

I don't use Outlook for BVS mail either which you knew already as I've told you several times before.

Tried all variations on this on several mail programs and different PCs too and nothing other than the webmail works. And no I don't want to be using webmail before you suggest I leave it at that as obviously I get a fair bit of mail for the magazine and webmail is not convenient for that. I need files local to my machine and I need to be able to sort things relating to if they are committee or magazine related and to which issue etc etc

Furthermore the majority of mail I'm getting on the account is spam which I never had any of before the change

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Postby qdos » Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:49 pm

Right you can sit back now as I've gone back to the original password and it's now working so somewhere along the line I take it you changed my password again.

I've had a look at this spam and it seems to be all for the BEVoHD address which was separate from Editor so how come that's now going to editor@ ?

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Postby qdos » Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:23 pm

Can you get the out going mail servers working as they don't appear to be and I'm having to use my ISPs mail server to send mail from which I'd rather not do.

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Postby nino500 » Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:15 am

I have to say, If the forum ran any slower it would be going backwards.

I can sense a comparison to the dreaded Milk Float coming on....


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Postby nino500 » Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:25 am

I have to say, If the forum ran any slower it would be going backwards.

I can sense a comparison to the dreaded Milk Float coming on....


Edit: It took 10 minutes (literally!!) to post this message before adding this edit.

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Postby Jeremy » Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:01 pm

I'm not sure that the forum system is to blame for speed issues, as it's always very fast for me.

My guess is that individual users ISPs may be more to blame for speed issues than the forum host.


[edited to add:

I've just timed this post. From hitting "submit" to getting a response was about 3.5 seconds. To get back from the message to the edit screen took less than 1 second. I'm just on an ordinary ADSL connection via the Phone Coop (a green and ethical cooperative ISP).]

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Postby nino500 » Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:31 pm

It's seems to have been doing this, on and off, (but mostly on) since the the server change.

It was always fast before and nothing else I access has slowed down.

I'm on an 8meg connection with blue yonder, via virgin cable. Are there issues which affect connection speed between certain ISPs and certain servers?

Any ideas welcome as its taking that sort of time to load each page I want to read.

Cheers, Nino.

Edit: Having said that, that one only took 10 secs and the pages are loading ok at the mo.

Edit 2: spoke too soon the first edit took 50 secs to submit and it was another 15 secs before the page loaded up enough to show the edit button again.

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Postby timpootle » Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:14 pm

Thank you both for the feedback; I'll see what I can find out.

Kelvin- I hope your email issues are now resolved. I have not changed your password at all since first setting it, but perhaps the webmail interface only allows you to change ITS OWN password, and leaves the server password alone? Again, I will do some research and report back here.
Tim Crumpton

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Postby Jeremy » Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:17 pm

You might find that it's a Virgin Media problem, although I'm sure they will deny it. I was with them up until a couple of weeks ago, when I switched from their cable service to ADSL.

My reasons for switching were twofold. Firstly their customer service was absolutely dire, they simply do not listen to, or act on, what their customers tell them when things go wrong. Secondly, their DNS servers seemed to fail/get overloaded with monotonous regularity. I gave up using their DNS in the end, after they stopped me directly manually connecting to the only one of theirs that worked (one in southampton). Even using a non-VM DNS server didn't fix some fairly poor performance though - I'm sure that VMs network is really pretty capacity limited, so speed gets throttled back hard at peak times.


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Postby nino500 » Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:34 pm

Good point Jeremy, that sounds very likely. I have also experienced their customer service, although the BVS forum is the only site that's been slowing down lately.

Could be becuase a posting is a data upload and I expect VM's system is heavily biased towards download speed.
Having said that. it's slow on loading threads as well. I'll get a friend to run a test on it in a couple of days.


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