AGM 2008 discussion

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Postby ChrisB » Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:50 pm

Right I have just been informed that the AGM is now NOT going to take place at the Stoneleigh show on Sunday :cry:

There is going to still be a committee meeting but not the AGM.

I personally do not understand why the AGM has been postponed until later this month :? there was some mutterings that folk were not aware that it was the AGM was going to take place ? but to my knowledge it has been known that the AGM was going to on that day for months and months.

All very odd ???

So sorry if any one was looking forward to it, hopefully we will get more details regarding change later. which might explain this reason for it being cancelled.

There will be still a committee meeting which I think folk can still go along to and observe and TBH I would wholey recomend going along to it as an observer, it will give you a good baises on which way you might like to vote when the AGM date is eventually announced.

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Postby electricvehicles » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:12 pm

Most Odd :shock:
Clearly says on page 4 of the Battery Vehicle Review magazine that the AGM is on the 4th of May ( late afternoon )

Seems more and more like we belong to two Societies BVS mail based and BVS internet based.

What is going on :?: :?:

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Postby aminorjourney » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:16 pm

Good Question...

This stinks of sabotage I think...
Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield

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Postby electricvehicles » Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:34 pm

So who has actually decided that the AGM will not go ahead :?:
Is it the committee :?:
If so surely its only polite to inform the members via e-mail, fax or phone :?:
Who is the committee then :?:
Surely we should be badgering them for a straight answer and a firm date for the AGM :?:
As far as I am aware our comittee consist of:
Chairman: John Lilly
Deputy Chairman: John Crayton
Secretary: Angela Schloer
Treasurer: Neil Baxter
Technical: Paul Crompton
Deputy Chairman: Frank Wykes

Lets have an answer from any one of them ( PLEASE ) as to why the AGM has been cancelled at such short notice

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Postby qdos » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:02 pm

'fraid you're absoloutely right there EV someone decided to get nit picky and siad it didn't state the time and exact location. That same somebody doesn't approve of Plugged In and timed it such that it further delayed Plugged in and meant that an article in there all about the whole weekend is now rather inaccurate to say the least.

So it's all the more important that we make it known what we want from this society and that if you are at all able to please please please come along to either the what was going to be the AGM or the new one when and where ever that happens. :roll:

By the way the person is not on the list you posted just there but he is on the committee he's the person who WILL NOT supply details of the members for correspondance when asked to which is another reason why Plugged In is late. It's been waiting on him to supply the sacred addresses of the members so it can be posted to them. :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: Funny how that list is immediately forth comming when it's about cancelling the AGM :?

I must add that the above frustration is expressed by me as an individual and does not necessarilly reflect the official line on things. I leave you to make your own opinion on things.

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Postby electricvehicles » Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:45 pm

Seems apparant to me that we should all attend the AGM when it finally arrives to vote our committe in :D
Why not allow postal votes for the creation of the committee ??
That way every member would have the chance to vote for who they want to represent them :)
Only an idea but I think its worthy of consideration, thats if you can access the list of members :lol:
But all joking aside --- things do have to change this daft rule about the 25 days notice being given before the AGM and not indicating the exact time is nothing short of a Joke :x Especially considering the committe can cancel the AGM with only 12 Days Notice -- This cannot be right :evil:

I am therefore requesting that the committee allows postal votes to give all members, both those with and without internet access or even a telephone to vote for who they want to represent them on the BVS Committee. I will be sending hard copies of this to the Committee members

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Postby MB » Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:52 pm

This is daft. We can't have a society where a small minority of the members think the club is being run for their own benefit, take money off the rest of us and then block anyone else who has different ideas to them from getting anything done.

It could even be construed as being close to fraudulent.

At the recent Commercial Vehicle Show, I talked to a number of electric vehicle manufacturers about the Battery Vehicle Society and suggesting they should get involved. Without exception they all laughed at me.

Quite simply, the Battery Vehicle Society is a joke.

Two years ago I set up the G-Wiz Owners Club. I had wanted to do this as part of the Battery Vehicle Society and just have it as a register within the club. However, it was made so difficult for me to even start doing this I gave up and set it up as a separate entity.

Today the club has 500 members from across the World. We have forums in English and German. We have a voice with the manufacturer and importer of the car as to what we want to see in the future. Want to plug in a laptop into a G-Wiz and analyse the batteries? We've got the know-how to do that - in fact, you can download software to do it and the technical support forums are run by the owners club. Want cheaper batteries for a G-Wiz? We're researching it on behalf of our members.

In comparison, I get very little out of the BVS. For heavens sake, I never even got issue two of Plugged In magazine and it took two letters to the membership secretary to get my address changed.

Without doubt, it is time for change. I'm not saying that the club shouldn't cater for the hobbiest and the person messing about in his garage - I'm one of the people who does just that. But whilst the BVS charges a subscription fee, these private cliques have no place in the club and the people who are masterminding them should be asked to leave.

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Postby qdos » Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:17 pm

I very much agree with you Mike

The GWiz is a good example of something which people ridiculed becomming a great success and why is this? Sure there's the congestion charge which made a massive impact but how come is it that none of the other EVs out there stepped up to the plate and stole the march?

Answer the professionalism of both the marketing of the GWiz AND ITS OWNERS CLUB!!!!!!


There's a team of people who have made massive steps forward to get this society up here in the public eye and people taking notice of us. There's a handful of out of touch people who are dragging this progress down. It's time you stepped aside and let those who've put in the effort to improve this society get on and make it a Society we can be proud to be members of.

It is more important than ever before that the members of this Society attend the AGM and make it known what we want of the Society and it's committee. Please make every effort to let your voices be heard.

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Postby ChrisB » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:10 am

Right after many years of wondering what the BVS Constitutional was or even looked liked I have been e-mailed a copy by one of the committee, many thanks Neil 8) although I have a feeling its not the very latest version of the constitutional but it is at least a start.

I have placed it in the BVS General area and you will find it HERE

Hopefully it goes someway into showing why the AGM was cancelled in particular if you read section 6

6. The annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held in May or the first half of June. Notice(s) giving the date, time, venue and agenda shall be posted or delivered to all members not less than 25 days before the date of the meeting. Similar notice shall be given of any Extraordinary meeting of the Society

As you see it appears that Notice about the actual time or venue where not given in adaquate time and hence the meeting would have been null and void, while for us on e-mail and the web we can be updated with this sort of information very dynamically the argument was for the folk who do not have access to e-mail or the interweb and rely wholey on the post etc.

My "PERSONAL" take on this is I feel it was some what of a nit picking affair, and the AGM had been given notice some months before in the Review although the actual time and place was not mentioned there are enough phone numbers on the inside of the front cover for folk with out web access or e-mail to make a quick phone call if they needed futher information, but rules is rules I suppose :roll:

Having finally seen and read the "Constitution" which is the first time I have seen it in my 15yrs membership I have noticed a few interesting sections.

2. The objects of the society shall be those agreed at the inaugural meeting, i.e.: -

(i). To encourage and assist the development of the electric vehicle and to widen its field of application.

Certain committee members could be in breach of this one considering all the stick that has gone on over the Plugged In Magazine as surely the magazine is designed to do exactly the above.

4(e). Any member who has, in the opinion of the Committee, brought the Society into disrepute may, at the recommendation of the committee, be proposed for dismissal of membership at an AGM or EGM. Persons so dismissed may only be readmitted as members with the approval of a subsequent AGM or EGM.

mmmmmmm interesting !!!

12(b). The majority decision of the committee shall be sufficient to make decisions, obtained with or without the holding of a formal committee meeting.

I presume my handling of the forum comes under that banner

Now while I know for a fact what I have posted as the constitution isnt the very latest and up to date version but it was the only one that was made available to me in electronic format it is fairly close to the current version to the best of my knowledge and once I have a upto date version I will replace it.

I am going to make a formal requistion at the AGM that the constitution is given to each and every member when they enroll and that it is also given out when a member renews their membership, that way we can all play on a level playing feild.

My own view is I've never known club have so many rules and regulations, I look after a car club and we dont have or feel we need to have such things. We rarely have any official meetings yet we still manage to put on good shows at events up and down the country without all this pettyness.
Our main show which my club actually organises at the Billing Aquadrome envolves us co-ordinating multiple car clubs togther, a set of trophies and certificates, attendance plaques etc etc the whole show generally costs the club a considerable amount of money to put on and only some of which is clawed back via a raffle and donations over the weekend. This is an amazing feat I think because the club does not have any formal subscription and is run entirely by voluntary donations by the members.

I'm also going to divide this thread away from the events section so the actual show dosnt get bogged down with discussions about the AGM.

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Postby electricvehicles » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:46 am

Very interesting reading Chris. Indeed I have never seen so many constitution rules written up for a Club such as the BVS. :o
Its more akin to something like Captain Mainwaring would create :lol:

But I feel we are on the verge of a transformation
Perhaps Tesla would like to re-write the constitutional rules on his Fag Packet :lol:

All the best

PS sorry cannot make Sunday -- Kids Back from uni for the weekend !!! No doubt begging for Money
Last edited by electricvehicles on Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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