mobility scooter controllers

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social misfit
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mobility scooter controllers

Postby social misfit » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:32 pm

does any one know where an older scooter controller could be repaired,
its fitted to a BEC mobilty scooter,i have four of these scooters which are very well made except for the controllers which go at the drop of a hat so have to keep a spare when going out on the scooter.
i would prefer to keep the original controllers rather than modifying to a later one.

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Postby ChrisB » Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:43 pm

I recon one of our electronic whizzo's might be able to help hopefully :wink:

There not the biggest of units so could be sent through the post I suspect.

Must admit I'm surprised you've got dead ones, I've got two mobility scooters here obtained via our local "recycling" depot for a few quid and both are fine even managing to withstand grandchildren abuse :lol:

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social misfit
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Postby social misfit » Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:57 am

ChrisB wrote:I recon one of our electronic whizzo's might be able to help hopefully :wink:

There not the biggest of units so could be sent through the post I suspect.

Must admit I'm surprised you've got dead ones, I've got two mobility scooters here obtained via our local "recycling" depot for a few quid and both are fine even managing to withstand grandchildren abuse :lol:

these are ex hire scooters which are around 15 years or so old,and no problem posting them. ive heard that the chips used in them LM series are what goes down.

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