General BVS related area
stuart mills
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Postby stuart mills » Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:16 pm

Membership fees are being taken and this site shows the benefits inc quarterly "plugged in" mags.
This could be seen as misleading.
I suggest that until the mag issue is properly sorted that membership fees are not accepted or at least the benefits of membership are amended.
If anyone complained to trading standards they would take a dim view.
Nikki stated on this forum that the Dec issue was not to materialise but that a Jan/Feb issue was about to be printed. That post was on Jan 10th.
At the risk of sounding sarcastic it may be that with the current limitations that "plugged in" should be advertised as an annual or bi-annual.

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Postby marktime » Fri Mar 07, 2008 8:28 pm

Stuart, I'm speaking for myself here, not on behalf of the folks that make the BVS work but we need to be clear, It's a club it's not a bank or a utility company or a major high street retailer. It's a bunch of folks with a common interest trying to get to gether and spread the word.

Ask not what the BVS can do for you but what you can do for the BVS
(sorry to the Kenedy clan for that).

Sorry if I have gone over the top but we are not talking about a kings ransome, it's a few quid, just be patient.

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Postby ChrisB » Sat Mar 08, 2008 9:09 am

I'm sorry you feel this way Stuart :cry:

As Mark says we're just a bunch of folk who have a common interest and do all of this in our spare time. Your membership goes towards other things other than just the magazine.

Yes we are having a few issues with the new mag, we are well aware of this and there is apparently the older Review magazine being bought out as I type.

The society has been going for many many years now and has been over the past 12mths one heck of a transformation, some of it has worked and some of it hasnt, but on the whole I think its gone pretty well considering we're all just volunteers. I still think what we have now is 1000% better than what we had .

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stuart mills
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Postby stuart mills » Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:33 am

My suggestion of amending the advert for membership was made so the volenteers do not attract any hassle they dont need. Its not the £20 or £15 or what ever is charged thats the issue, nor is it that more is expected for such a small fee from those who do it for free, its just that you dont get what is being offered then that is wrong. Thankyou for the hard work put in by the volunteers obviously it wouldnt run at all without them. In June 07 I did offer to write an article every month on U.K road legalities and also offered to give free help to members on SVA (soon to be IVA) and MSVA & VIC issues but that was not not taken up. At least I now know more about the society I was going to get involved in.

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Postby MaryRCrumpton » Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:19 pm

I think the truth lies somewhere between the two opinions expressed here.

If we are telling people that once they give us their money, they will receive a quarterly magazine, then that really needs to happen, irrespective of whether the people who have made this promise to members are paid staff or volunteers. Legally we are obliged to provide what we promise, as soon as we take money from people.

Having said that, I feel it is important that members cut the volunteers some slack. There will be times when, for whatever reason, a magazine comes out later than planned. Until and unless we are willing to pay enough in subscriptions to pay the volunteers for what they do, we really need to make allowances for the fact that what they do for the BVS cannot always be their first priority. Things won't always go to plan.

I have seen the new Plugged In version of the magazine, and it is brilliant. I feel sure that once a team of magazine volunteers are working on it regularly, rather than one overworked individual, the magazine will go from strength to strength.

Perhaps the wordng on the BVS website could be changed to say we AIM to produce magazines on a ROUGHLY quarterly basis, to emphasise the volunteer-based nature of the Sosciety. But I am not sure this is necessary.
One thing that does need to be altered on the BVS website is that the joining page says it is a quarterly mag, but the society info page says at the bottom that the magazine is bimonthly ;-)

So in summary, I think we all need to make allowances in our expectations for the fact that the society members that make things happen are all volunteers. But also, that the society needs to try to ensur that people do get what has been promised (and paid for) after they join.

For the record, I think the BVS is a good and important thing. And I hope the people who make things happen in the society know that they are appreciated.

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Postby booboo » Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:10 pm

...what SaintMary said .. :)

Volunteers are seldom appreciated enough for what they do :wink:

Thumbs up !
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Postby qdos » Sun Mar 09, 2008 10:13 am

stuart mills wrote: I did offer to write an article every month on U.K road legalities and also offered to give free help to members on SVA (soon to be IVA) and MSVA & VIC issues but that was not not taken up.

EXCELLENT Stuart :!:

Right I would DEFINATELY like to have this kind of contribution in the magazine so please do send me some articles I would be delighted to publish them (muggins here has now taken on the editorial of Plugged In)

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Postby qdos » Sun Mar 09, 2008 10:18 am

SaintMaryUK wrote:Perhaps the wordng on the BVS website could be changed to say we AIM to produce magazines on a ROUGHLY quarterly basis, to emphasise the volunteer-based nature of the Sosciety. But I am not sure this is necessary.

That's now been changed, thank you for pointing that out Mary and would you like to contribute to the mag and join the team? I'm looking for volunteers ! :)

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Postby clnbrtltt » Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:22 am

If you are interested, we could write an article about our wind turbine and a little about how we are getting on with our newly acquired Elcat EV.

If so, would it be OK to write it using Works word processor with photos available on Flickr?

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Postby qdos » Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:45 am

yes that's ok BUT .........

PLEASE no one uses Works it's a load of Microsfot junk

Please by all means use it if you are used to it for spell checking but then simply copy and paste the text to a basic e-mail or send it via a PM on here

I often get Works files sent to me by folk and I can honestly tell you Works is basically a marketing ploy by Microsoft to simply sell more software and you're far better offf not using it at all. There's simply no need for it it's JUNK

Sorry if this upsets people but you'll soon find out Works really is a folly. Simply send the text as text. no formatting please as it will not be used

Simply open up your e-mail software (I'm guessing it's going to be Outlook express) and paste the text into the body of the e-mail. Please don't e-mail via Works or Word it is wasteful and more often than not isn't useable anyway.

Sorry to sound negative but bottom line is Works and Word docs basically are not useable. Please keep it simple and just send the text and the pics

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