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Postby craftyfox » Sat Jul 18, 2009 3:14 pm

i had them linked up correctly it must be the battereies. i bought the bike 2nd hand and he said they where spare so unless they are duds or they havent been used in a very long time

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Postby ChrisB » Sat Jul 18, 2009 5:50 pm

Ah I see, almost certainly if they havent been used or been left sat uncharged for sometime then they will be scrap now :cry: they wont recover either or not generally to any usable standard.

Sealed Lead Acids have to be kept charged and not left flat or left for any length of time without being charged, generally with the small ones like those they need to be topped up if there not being used about once every 6mths.

Always try to re-charge them as soon as poss once you have used the bike, and it doesnt really matter if you've only used them a bit, they can cope with short use re-charges etc unlike Nicad types in drills etc

Hope that helps and you enjoy your Sakuru 8)

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Postby arsharpe » Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:11 pm

I have found that I have managed to rejuvenate lead-acids that are showing very high resistance, i.e no current acceptd on charge, by stressing them on a high voltage psu.

e.g. for 12v battery I used a PSU set to 30v with current limit set to 0.2A for many hours. Obviously watch it closely as this can overheat the battery.

If you are not sure what you are doing please do not do this as it may cause an explosion, etc.

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Postby ChrisB » Sun Jul 19, 2009 3:01 pm

oooo er, must admit I've never tried that one, and as you say its quite likely cook the battery up if your not careful.

Must admit I've tried several options on SLA's and todate never got anything thats useable at the end of it, although I've never gone that high with the voltage.

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