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Reviving Gel Lead Acid Batteries

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 8:42 pm
by geekygrilli
Hi guys

I was wondering if there is anyway of reviving the lead acid batteries on my daughter's ev (see off road thread). I have heard things such as shorting them, or whacking a huge voltage across them - but i'm a bit worried about doing this.

They have sat for years, they still have some life in them when charged. They're 2 off 12v 36 Ah.

Any advice appreciated.


Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 12:25 am
by qdos
Yes pretty much as you have said, I've done this and it does work.

A safe way to do it is by charging and discharging across another similar voltage rated battery. So charge up a battery, be it one of the batteries in question or another lead acid, and then connect that in parallel to one of the flat ones. Repeat the excercise many times randomly.

Gel Lead Acid Batteries

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:35 pm
by social misfit
i heard of a way of rejuvenating GEL batteries is to use a 40 volt power source with a 1200 microfarad capacitor in parallel and pulsed through the battery once every 2 mins for how long i don't know but will give it a go sometime. the pulse duration is just the time for the capacitor to discharge into the battery,disconnecting the power source at the same time.
probably works the same as a pulse charger but with higher voltage.

Re: Gel Lead Acid Batteries

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:41 am
by JonSpence
I think that you want to do a google on
lead acid battery desulfator
Battery Desulphator

There are many designs out there. I first read of these a number of years ago, but have not had a need for one.

There are many designs out there, or you can buy charges that have automatic desulphators built in.

NOTE don't use one while the battery is connected to anything else.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 9:57 pm
by ChrisB
I've tried many ways of recovering Gel LA's and generally never had much success.
The problem is once they dry out their toast , although I have heard of folks pulling the sealed tops off adding some water to them and getting some more life out of them ??
