Asking a favour from a NW Vectrix owner please

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Postby EVguru » Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:58 pm

I was thinking, there must be sufficient expertise and experience on the forum and in the club for us to design and build a single seat, longer range commuter vehicle that could cruise at 55mph on the motorway with a top speed of, say 65mph.


Cruise; check

Top speed; check

Range; has done 175 miles on single charge.

Effort; Vast and there's no way it would pass MSVA in its current form if it had to.

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Postby nino500 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:29 pm

Just out of interest; what is the bike behind Mr Lynch's machine? Is it a converted Quasar, a one off or just a 'normal' Quasar?


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Postby EVguru » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:43 pm

That's Paul Blezzard's (motorcycle journalist) standard Quasar. He brought it along to my house when he came to ride Cedric's machine (2nd time actually, but the first was in the dark). There are some more pictures on the site.

Paul has long been a 'Feet Forward' proponent and finally managed to buy a Quasar last year.

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Postby NickJ » Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:44 pm

I was thinking, there must be sufficient expertise and experience on the forum and in the club for us to design and build a single seat, longer range commuter vehicle that could cruise at 55mph on the motorway with a top speed of, say 65mph.

With my research for my own commuter EV for longer range etc I think the main problem is not lack of expertise available, or even parts but the time and cost. I am looking at a 2 seater car conversion (for convenience of donor and welsh weather!) but with a set of lithium batteries, and all the kit I will be looking at over £15k plus a huge amount of work. When you look at "commercial" conversions the labour costs make it prohibitive. The vectrix is really good value for what it is, I doubt wether it could be beaten on cost/performance balance easily, though i would love to be proved wrong :)

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Postby Night Train » Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:30 am

The Quasar! I've always wanted one ever since they first appeared. An excellent looking candidate for an EV conversion.

NickJ wrote:The vectrix is really good value for what it is, I doubt wether it could be beaten on cost/performance balance easily, though i would love to be proved wrong :)

The Vectrix is excellent value I just need a stretch version with extra batteries. :lol:
Maybe the trick is to buy two and build something from the parts. :)

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Postby Night Train » Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:53 pm

Well, I am arranging for a test drive of a Vectrix for the end of the month. I will see what it can do for me then.

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Postby qdos » Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:23 pm

Be sure to try the actual journey out on it and see if it manages it and bear in mind at some time mid winter you'll need to do it in sub zero conditions with the lights on all the way too

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Postby Night Train » Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:48 pm

Good point there qdos, I will see if they will let me do that.

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