Old BMS Software Thread

Threads relating to the BMS system begun by Peter Perkins

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Re: Old BMS Software Thread

Postby retepsnikrep » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:41 pm

Post your modified code, what's all this reading from the eeprom talk?
Regards Peter

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Re: Old BMS Software Thread

Postby joshp1990 » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:33 pm

The version we are first testing on the hardware is v27 of the master code, unmodified. We thought it would be wise to get that up and running before we load the modified code we are working on. Just so we can reduce any cause for error.

The eeprom I was referring to was

I2CREAD Scdeeprom,Sckeeprom,AT24C512B,I2CAddr,[Cells,Odo.Byte0,Odo.Byte1,Trip.Byte0,Trip.Byte1,_
Dist.Byte0,Dist.Byte1,Soc.Byte0,Soc.Byte1] 'Read data from I2c eeprom starting at addr 0

I2Caddr = 14 'Set to first available byte of I2C EEprom (First 14 bytes [0-13] reserved for BMS data)

'Manual I2C Temp Sensor initiate routine avoids start up temperature errors

owout DigitalTemp,1,[$55,$28,$B9,$11,$16,$01,$00,$00,$A4,$44] 'Start 1st temp sensor conversion

'Display Splash Screen, Software Version, CPU Speed & Number of Cells in System.

I'm assuming this may be where I'm going wrong.

When I power everything up a table comes up saying with variables such as voltage, before disappearing off the top of the screen and being replaced by the sort of characters I posted earlier. No splash screen appears, so I'm thinking something must have happened further upstream in the code.

We've managed to alter and correctly program the PICAXE, so is it possible that a setting in the Pickit 2 software which needs to be changed to fix the problem? I've even tried directly importing the v27 hex code which you posted up, just in case I was doing something wrong in pbpro, but the result was the same.

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Re: Old BMS Software Thread

Postby retepsnikrep » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:21 am

Post the full file name for the code you are testing.
Also post a link to it if you have it.
Regards Peter

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Re: Old BMS Software Thread

Postby joshp1990 » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:08 am

This is the current code we are using for testing, I made sure to go into PIC16f886 config file to prevent the "overwriting previous address contents" error

The forum is not letting me upload a .txt file, but here is the full file name is you still have it on your computer


EDIT: I've compressed the files you posted and re-uploaded them
V27 Full.zip
(37.24 KiB) Downloaded 900 times

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Re: Old BMS Software Thread

Postby retepsnikrep » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:14 am

Do you have at least two live slave's connected correctly to the master?

Do you have link wire between pin 7 on the watchdog chip and pin 9 on the master chip?
This is needed for the 1s pulse timing.

Have you used the menus (push button in when program starts) to adjust the number of cells in the master to match the number of slaves?

I haven't tried compiling the bms software using V3 of pbpro, the configs layout will have to be changed at least.

post a video on YT of what is happening when you turn on the power
Regards Peter

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Re: Old BMS Software Thread

Postby joshp1990 » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:29 pm

This is what the screen looks like from start up, we have also tried using the buttons to go to the sub-menu but the system is unresponsive.

Not really sure the cause of this problem

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWWCl9gN ... ideo_title

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Re: Old BMS Software Thread

Postby hohisilver » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:32 pm

Looks to me like the baud rate to the video chip is getting changed somehow, it seems to be trying to update once a second.

A thought that did occur to me was whether some other component(s) got damaged when you inserted the EEPROM the wrong way round?

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Re: Old BMS Software Thread

Postby GregsGarage » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:15 pm

Try loading one of Peter's pre-compiled hex files. That would rule out a hardware issue if it fixes the display.

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Re: Old BMS Software Thread

Postby steiner » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:12 am


I have an issue that has stumped me and wanted to see if you have ever seen anything like this. I am running V28 of the slave software. I have the CutInVD set to 365 and the CutOutVD set to 360 on both the master and slave software. Here is the issue. Cells 1 thru 16 turn on the bypass resistor at the appropriate voltage (3.66) and the "on" duty cycle (measured at pin 7 of the pic chip) for the bypass is about 800 mSec and the "off" is about 200mSec. Cells 17 thru 24 also turn on the bypass resistor at the appropriate voltage (3.66) but the "on" duty cycle is about 10mSec and the off is about 990mSec. I have reprogrammed the pic chips on cells 17 thru 24 but it still does the same thing.

Any ideas ?????

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Re: Old BMS Software Thread

Postby retepsnikrep » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:50 am

I agree looks like it is trying to update at 1hz and baud rate for video chip has gone awry.

Try a new master pic and or a new video chip. You may have damaged it/them.

Remove the eeprom what happens then.

Record a longer video starting before you turn on the power and leave it running for at least a minute.


The cells loads can only turn off independently if the cell voltage falls below the fail safe low off V level, what is that set to in the slaves? You have to allow enough headroom for the voltage drop that occurs when the load comes on if you use flying leads. So the fail safe low v cutoff in the slaves needs to be pretty low say 3V. Is the wiring different (longer?) between the cells that works and the cells that don't? ;)

ASFAIK the latest version of the slave software is "SLAVE_V10_270411_MPASM"
Regards Peter

Two MK1 Honda Insight's. One running 20ah A123 Lithium pack. One 8ah BetterBattery Nimh pack.
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