couple of berlingos on ebay

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couple of berlingos on ebay

Postby sticks » Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:52 am

Just thought id share this with you all,
2 on ebay right now

item number 270516704932

and item number 330394519601

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Postby Grumpy-b » Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:39 pm

The 1999 registered one one aparently has all its original batteries, of which some have failed. Personally I would not bother repairing one with 98 cells in it, once they start going they seem to all follow on in quick succession. If some were later that would be a much better proposition.It does however have the evlite with it. The 2003 one has been on e bay a few times before. Same seller as it was previously, so not sure whats keeps happening to it.


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Postby sticks » Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:54 pm

that seems to be the big put off with these vans,
i got mine off ebay but seems fine batt wise at the mo,

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Postby ChrisB » Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:11 pm

Must admit the 99 one isnt worth that sort of figure really, 2K max, trouble is berlingo prices can go up as well as down, as they say :lol:

We've see broken vans doing nearly 5k in the past, and really good ones being sub 3k :?

Really depends who's looking for them at the time I think.

The 03 one is on the money at the moment, wouldnt want to pay much more for it personally ...... but that is a personal view .

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