
If you own a Electrique or any of the other PSA range of vehicles then look here for your answers and post your questions or general views here
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Re: Insurance

Postby Grumpy-b » Tue May 03, 2011 11:43 am

All forms of Insurance are going up in the UK at the moment. With Insurance now being run by large multinationals, what you do and how you manage your risk, isnt so significant as the Global profits of the insurance companies. With major losses such as The BP Gulf Disaster, The Various wind and flood damages, Earthquakes and other disasters, the Insurance companies are looking to get back cash in any way possible. I have contstant contact with the Public who are at risk from a Natural source of widespread risk in the uK and many people are finding they can no longer get any Household insurance, even though they have made no claims, and nothing has changed in the last 5 years. Except the aversion to risk and profits by the Insurance companies.

Its always worth geting alternative quotes, and this Forum is a great way of finding out which companies will even look at our vehicles.
Personally I use the Co-op for non modded and NFU for the non standard. All are unlimited mileage and cover personal Business use (ie different places of working rather than a fixed base)All are fully comp.


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Re: Insurance

Postby ChrisB » Tue May 03, 2011 8:40 pm

I do have to wonder how much goes on vehicle insurance due to the blame clame culture everyone's in now :(
Go back 25yrs and people claiming 25-30k for damages was un-heard of, yet I know two people who have recently done "very nicely" out of what I would call a minor shunt, that and the modern stuff folds up so much easier now and makes repairs almost impossible and thus vehicles are written off more, although saying that your far more likely to walk away from a modern high speed prang than if you have it in a car 25yrs ago, so bit of a double edge sword.

I'll have to give the coop a call next time the vans due, I'd dismissed all the normal insurance folks as they generally couldnt even understand a Berlingo electrique let alone insure it :roll:

I reject reality and substitute my own !!!!!!

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Re: Insurance

Postby sticks » Sun Sep 04, 2011 8:48 pm

im with e van its cheap as chips , try it

harry morris
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Re: Insurance

Postby harry morris » Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:22 pm

Are you having a laugh??? £800 to insure a lecky with E VAN cheap as chips I think not!!!! I paid £165 for this year, cheers HARRY MORRIS

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Re: Insurance

Postby sticks » Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:16 pm

That's your opinion Harry m8, mine is £175 for business use
I'm 33 , 3yr no claims and 7 on me car

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