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Re: Blingo short range message for grumpy and co.

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:39 am
by highend
great news! if one cell is weaker I will replace it free of charge of course :) I'm sorry if it made any trouble but I think averaging 45 miles and charging light at 20% it is not bad. Of course perfert should be charging light coming between 0-5%.

Re: Blingo short range message for grumpy and co.

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 10:39 am
by chatwindows
hello Highend and thank you for your reply.
Although the van is good at the mo. I still get a low reading from the middle pack. This was the last one I removed and found one cell very low around 5 volts, and another that read 6.1 volts. I changed them both and have kept the 6.1 cell. In hindsight I fear that one of the replacements was as bad or worse than the 6.1 I replaced?! I am still recovering from my hand operation otherwise I had intended to go through the procedure again and refit the 6.1 cell. All the other packs are reading at an average of 6.4-6.5 so I am happy with them. If there were a way that we could meet with a replacement good cell I would be delighted to do this, for I feel it is a big job to replace with a slightly under performing cell. Let me know what you think and when you are likely to be passing the south coast again.
Meanwhile I can manage.
All the best John Chatwindows