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Do you need SAFT cells

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:46 am
by Grumpy-b
My need for SAFT cells is reaching a peak, I support a commercial company who uses the Blingos in a unique way, and they need a load of cells to get another vehicle into use. So I am intending to go to France and purchase a van load of 2003 or later ex lease cells. If anyone is interested please let me know, likely cost is about £150 each 6v. Trip will be within the next two weeks.
I can get older 2001 cells as well, but personlly I think they are just too old tospend a lot of effort in swapping them out. Obviously they are cheaper, likely to be nearer the £100 mark.
If you are interested, PM me, at this point its jsuat a question of how many we can reasonably shift in a Transit van.


Re: Do you need SAFT cells

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:13 am
by highend
isn't that better idea to buy complete van with cells...? will be cheaper....

27 * £150 = £4050 :/

used van you can search for £1500....

I assume you have good source in France? :)
I know this webpage:
in France but that guy had prices which scary me ;)

I saw also used cells in Germany in this site:

one guy sells 2007 (!) cells for 220 EUR/each.

As I travel between Poland -> UK frequently I can also help to bring something from Germany....