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SAFT Cells

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 5:26 pm
by chatwindows
I'm still in need of a few cells for my Blingo. I'm down to 20 miles a charge now and rarely use it. Highend offered to meet me with some, but that didn't happen. Evan said that he would soon have some but is no longer answering my e-mails. Has anyone else got three or so good cells to sell so that I can return my Blingo to the road. Please!!!
Any leads will be appreciated.

Re: SAFT Cells

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:34 pm
by highend
I need to know which do you need - "G" or "D" ?
I suggest you rather get maybe 2xG and 2xD so four batteries....?

I answered your emails :) I just don't know when I will be close to you,
as sending them probably is only possible on pallet?