Nickel Zinc on the Oxygen Cargo Scooter

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Postby qdos » Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:49 am

MalcolmW wrote:I will get shot down in flames here for admitting that my main reason for going electric is not because I have an overpowering urge to reduce emissions but because it makes economic and practical sense. I suspect that is the feeling of most of the population. It's the 'what's in it for me' culture, hence the financial incentives (no congestion charge, free tax, etc.) to try to persuade people that the initial high cost of the vehicles is worthwhile.


Good for you for being honest there's no need to be ashamed of it at all it's also exactly the reason why I've gotten so much involved too. Sure it's nice to be green too but lets be honest how many folk are here for that reason and if you really want to be green why not ride a horse or a pushbike?

What I will 'shoot you down for' though is, it was second hand and cheap Caviat emptor (buyer beware) I'm sorry you feel you've been stung by it which in fact yes you have done but it's kind of to be expected really and it goes to show the best way to get involved with anythig you do is read around the subjects first and talk to other people which is why we have this Forum. On the plus side you have a group here who will try and help you get it fixed and in the worst case scenario it's also a good place to sell the bike if you feel you want rid. Let me know if you feel you do I'll be happy to put it in the magazine for you. I also might be interested in buying it off you too

Really sorry that it's not worked out how you wanted it to but I'm sure we'll all try to help where we can to get you sorted with a soloution :)

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Postby MalcolmW » Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:32 pm


I *don't* feel I've been stung - I got it at a very good price and I was told the batteries would need cycling, even if not that they would need replacing sometime and that new ones were unobtainable. I'm really pleased with it (I'm the one you'll see riding round with a huge grin on my face), but was making a more general comment about battery technology and related costs, not a specific complaint about my new machine. It's something that I've been aware of, having looked at electric vehicles of various sorts on the Web for several months. My Cargo was an opportunist purchase. I saw it on Ebay and went for it after looking up what I could find about them.

I've just bought a current tester (or whatever the official name is) and found today that charging from 35% to 100% used about 0.75 kw. I'll run the batteries right down and see what a full charge is.


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Postby qdos » Fri Jul 25, 2008 4:29 pm

Good to hear you're still pleased with it then (pheeeeeewwwwww)

I have just been speaking with someone who can recondition NiCads apparantly sooooo if you want to see if your batteries can be resurected then there's a possibility we could arange something for a test we'll write up in Plugged In. Let me know if you are interested. We're looking for a few victims (ooops sorry) participants in a trial :wink:

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Postby MalcolmW » Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:46 pm

Could be interesting (and I notice the subtle hint about joining so that I get Plugged In!). My whiskers are twitching and I'm chewing a bit of carrot in anticipation.

I'm just feeling my way, and trying not to drop the flipping machine, as it's so heavy. It went over to starboard a couple of days ago when I was taking it off the stand, but the centre of gravity's so low that it didn't go much more than 45 degrees! It's an awful lot heavier than my old Ducati single. I've done a couple of hundred kilometres so far, and it's cost me a small fraction of the price of the petrol, even with the limited battery range. It's nice to be back on a bike after 18 years, and I've always been one to want something different (as I tell my wife...). :lol:


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Postby MalcolmW » Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:28 pm

Now done nearly 400 km on it, and everything seems fine, although of course battery life isn't good.

The bike certainly attracts a few looks; probably people are expecting me to dole out pizzas and are rather bemused to see catalogues. I had quite a talk with a couple who were intrigued by it and thought it was a fantastic idea.


I get 8-9 km if I go out straight after a full charge and don't try boy racer stuff. If it's not used immediately, it loses charge rapidly - three hours after charging it can be down to about 60-70% charge.

Temperatures now are about ideal, of course, so I'm wondering what the range will be like in the winter. Is it likely to fall drastically?

Ideal batteries then would: hold a charge for several weeks if the vehicle isn't used, and have no 'memory'; give a range of 40-50 miles whatever the weather; be much lighter; last several years and then be cheap to replace.

Is this an impossibility, or are we just awaiting the technology?


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Postby badnewswade » Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:34 pm

Sounds like you want lithiums. Expensive, but worth it by all accounts. Am likely to go that way myself - will let ppl know.

BTW, I'm still working on a nickel battery for when winter sets in...
34 Watt Hours per mile, or > 700 MPG. What, me, smug?

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Postby ChrisB » Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:44 am

Terrys shoe horned some LA's into his one and done a charger mod and apparently is now getting 30 odd miles out of his one 8)

I reject reality and substitute my own !!!!!!

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Postby MalcolmW » Mon Sep 01, 2008 12:23 pm

Yes, I think I'm right in saying he got five in to replace the four nickel zincs.

As I'm an electronics wethead (and the unkind would add to the categories!) I don't know what would be involved in modifications necessary for anything different from the original batteries.

What chance of remanufacturing the old ones?


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Postby MalcolmW » Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:09 pm

Just a quick update. Now done over 850 km and it's going really well apart from battery life of course. Terry's very kindly offered to come round and check things out, as he's wondering whether there's a power leak somewhere. The batteries quickly lose charge.

Discovered someone locally who's had years of experience with electric vehicles of all kinds. He's offered to help any time I get stuck. He saw the bike and came over for a chat. It's quite a talking-point with people, and he's the only one who's known immediately what it was.


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Postby qdos » Tue Nov 11, 2008 11:10 pm

Excellent next time you see him give him a copy of Plugged In and get him to join.

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