Electric Car For Audio Recording

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Electric Car For Audio Recording

Postby timb » Tue Jun 09, 2009 2:40 pm

Hi everyone,

I wonder if anyone can help me with a rather bizarre request!

Our company is an audio company, that supplies audio for computer games. As a part of this, we have recorded all kinds of vehicles in the past - usually of the more traditional racing car variety!

However, we have a project coming up where we are looking for the sound of an electric car.

We completely appreciate that this is going to be a totally different thing for us, and it is not likely to be very loud :) However...we really wanted to try to mimick the sound of a typical all electric car.

So...we are looking for someone who has a typical electric car, who would be happy to put it onto a dyno, for recording?

We are certainly not looking to thrash it...it is just easier for us to get a good recording if the car is stationary - eliminates road and wind noise etc.

We are in the Midlands, therefore something in or near this area would be good. We would pay for all the costs of doing the recording, and cover expenses etc., and depending on the dyno, you can probably end up with a power rating for the vehicle, as part of the process.

If you are interested, then please give me a shout?


Many thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you :)



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Postby ChrisB » Tue Jun 09, 2009 3:04 pm

Hi Tim

To be honest your going to struggle, dont know about anyone else but I think all the modern stuff is silent these days so apart from tyre noise thats all you'll get ???

Certianly the berlingo doesnt make any motor noise that is decernable, not sure about the G-Wiz ?

Take a look at the bedford CF forum for what the older lower frequency controllers sounded like.

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Pretty quiet

Postby gwing » Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:19 am

Hit Tim,

I concur with Chris in that I don't think you are going to get anything useful for a computer game.

I also run a Berlingo and the motor noise just insn't discernable. All you can hear driving is general wind, tyre and bump noise although there is some discernable noise from the secondary electric motor used to circulate battery coolant and the vacuum pump for power brake and steering assistance. Trouble is these are the only 'motor' noises discernable and they are disconnected from any driving actions, coming on intermittently when the vacuum runs low etc. so I don't think they will be of so much use in a game context.

I'm Buckinghamshire based rather than Midlands but if you want to come down my way and have a drive around to get an idea what it sounds like, which may confirm the expense of recording isn't woth it, you are welcome.


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Postby ChrisB » Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:36 pm

Its an interesting one this actually.

I was thinking about it the other day and thought if Tim was to use the sound say of an early CF electric with all its low frequency whining that goes on it "could" actually damage the reputation of EV's as folks will thinking there noisey whiney vehicles......which is just not the case these days.

Really not sure how he's going to come up with the goods on this, unless you just record tyre noise :?

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Postby JonSpence » Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:00 am

ChrisB wrote:Really not sure how he's going to come up with the goods on this, unless you just record tyre noise :?

I agree. There is one possibility that did occur to me. On Youtube there are a couple of videos of dyno testing of a water cooled motor by greenmotorsport. It's quiet, but the ramping of the dyno being driven can clearly be heard.

To be honest, while he makes his living capturing real sounds for games, in this case a manufactured fake sound might be a better option.

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Postby MB » Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:00 am

I'm based in Coventry and I own a G-Wiz.

The vehicle does make enough noise to be heard and I am sure we can do something useful for you.

Unlike a normal car, however, much of the 'noise' comes from road noise and wind noise rather than the noise from the motor. However, you are more than welcome to come over and have a play.

I have sent you a private message with my contact details.

Incidentally, anyone who has driven a Modec will tell you it makes a great noise! It sounds like a muted jet aircraft :D
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Peter Eggleston
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Postby Peter Eggleston » Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:50 pm

Yes, my truck sounds like a jet engine too, when accelerating hard, and more like a tube train when cruising. I think it would make a good recording, but I live in Northumberland.

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Postby ChrisB » Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:13 pm

JonSpence wrote:I agree. There is one possibility that did occur to me. On Youtube there are a couple of videos of dyno testing of a water cooled motor by greenmotorsport. It's quiet, but the ramping of the dyno being driven can clearly be heard..

or is that more dyno noise rather than actual EV noise ???

MB wrote:I'm based in Coventry and I own a G-Wiz.

The vehicle does make enough noise to be heard and I am sure we can do something useful for you.

Incidentally, anyone who has driven a Modec will tell you it makes a great noise! It sounds like a muted jet aircraft :D

Peter Eggleston wrote:Yes, my truck sounds like a jet engine too, when accelerating hard, and more like a tube train when cruising. I think it would make a good recording, but I live in Northumberland.

Crumbs I thought all the modern stuff was silent these days like the Blingo :shock: The G-Wiz that Matt owns seemed pretty quiet, but I think that was a AC one, dunno if that makes a difference :?


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Postby geekygrilli » Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:11 am

S'pose a lot of the Modec noise is due to cooling fans on the motor?

Other than road noise, the only sounds mine makes are the vacuum pump hum and a gearbox whine. I think I'm going to do away with the servo and vac-pump, though.

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