EV Regulations should we seek change? from Ed. in Plymouth

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EV Regulations should we seek change? from Ed. in Plymouth

Postby ex925 » Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:50 am

I have recently been trying to figure out how best to persuade the DVLA and/or TUV to simplify regulation re home-built or home-converted EVs. My idea was to have an "Official expert" come to the 2010 BVS Electrathon and give us a set of rules on which we could rely, and which would be accepted by agencies and law enforcement. My own three experiences of EV law has shown there to be no common code, and discussions with senior officials at DVLA and VOSA have confirmed this.


Reading the above has made me wonder if my objective has risk

Could a single, "reliable" regulation-set be worse than the muddled status-quo?

In my long experience of lobbying for other causes at Westminster and Brussels, and the marathon attempts to defeat narrow-minded "official experts" that so often resulted, I reached the conclusion that most often a single authority, or a single code, are so inflexible that it can actually be better to have more than one of each, even if conflicting. An opportunity to appeal to one can unlock the rigidity of attitude, or effect, of the other. More than two, or three, such sources (for example, UK vs Euro regulators' interpretations....) might simply prove too much, but, in cases in which I was involved, such cross-referenced contentions were more often helpful than anything else, at a rate of roughly two to one.

What do people think?

Should I leave the muddle we have undisturbed?

I shall also post this elsewhere on the forum as a separate subject, hoping to maximise response

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Re: EV Regulations should we seek change? from Ed. in Plymouth

Postby ChrisB » Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:35 pm

ex925 wrote:What do people think?

Should I leave the muddle we have undisturbed?

I shall also post this elsewhere on the forum as a separate subject, hoping to maximise response

While I understand our plight I think your more likely to end up with further restrictions and more regulations than we have now if we start to get things looked at.

How long before they realise some electric vehicles could have upwards of 200vdc floating about in them :shock: , I can see all kinds of restrictions being put in place, like only "reconised" electrically trained folk will be able to work on EV's, you will only be able to take your EV to a "reconised" MOT station which has people specially trained in the dealings of EV's, Special MOT's designed for EV's .............to name just a few horrors that could well be bought up if things are stirred.

All of the above will eventually come into play (mark my words), look at how little you can do legally with your own home electrics do we want similar restrictions on our EV's

Personally while it can be a pain I wouldnt want to even hint at wanting anything even looked at, as once they start looking I guarantee you the pen pushers will make life far worse than you can even think its like now :wink:

I reject reality and substitute my own !!!!!!

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Re: EV Regulations should we seek change? from Ed. in Plymouth

Postby ex925 » Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:15 am

Unless anyone can show why not, I feel strongly we have reached a sound consensus, "Don't ask for trouble"
This leaves the problem of how best to legalise a home-built or home-converted EV
My best guess so far is to raise a new topic on both the BVS-forum and the BVS-Review
This to compile as many individual experiences as possible, seeking to rate the outcomes
We might then be able to list the "expected-optimal" courses of action, in order of success
Alongside that, we could possibly flow-chart choices in a series of hypothetical situations

Comments, please

All the best


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Re: EV Regulations should we seek change? from Ed. in Plymouth

Postby duxuk » Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:18 pm

Lets leave things as they are!
Uniquely in the EU we are able to build kit and self designed/built cars, trikes or bikes in the UK and register them for road use. The Netherlands are just introducing a version of our IVA for cars, but I can't imagine this spreading to less liberal minded nations. This is one area where our government have actually represented the views of the people. I am about to take my trike for it's third MSVA test, which it should pass. Without a lot of help I think that the regs. are nigh on impossible to satisfy. My own vehicle will be less safe and less easy/ comfortable to drive just so that I can pass MSVA. Still the examiners know that you will rebuild it as soon as you have that pink slip of paper in your hand, so maybe they are even on our side after all.

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Re: EV Regulations should we seek change? from Ed. in Plymouth

Postby ex925 » Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:32 am

The more I think about it, the more I see the risk of a newly- (..."elected" - Really?...) government
Full of self-obsessed rising pen-pushers seeking something, anything, "to be seen to be doing"

What I had in mind by assessment of collated experiences was maybe a quiet, ''internal'' BVS effort
This to inform members of as many as possible trends and options at each stage
To optimise the process of trying to "tiptoe through bureaucracy"
Maybe best done by email?
(If at all)
Do members think this would help them, with least risk of the kind of intervention discussed above ?
All the best, Ed

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Re: EV Regulations should we seek change? from Ed. in Plymouth

Postby ChrisB » Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:30 pm

Why not use the members area :wink:

I reject reality and substitute my own !!!!!!

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Re: EV Regulations should we seek change? from Ed. in Plymouth

Postby ex925 » Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:57 pm

"Members Resources"
Excellent idea
Will do
All the best

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