Jezf's new berlingo

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Postby jezf » Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:38 pm

ChrisB wrote:the Vac pump however will cut in and out as it sees fit , it should cut out for a few mins and then cut back in again for 30 or so secs and then cut out again, if you have just stopped and used the brakes then it might run for 60secs or so.
It might be this you are hearing ?? ChrisB

might well be

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Postby jezf » Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:40 pm

ok so is it safe to leave on charge overnight? first time i've done this!!! if so i will go outside and put it on charge now. its on the driveway, uncovered though, open to the elements...

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Postby ChrisB » Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:42 pm

jezf wrote:
ChrisB wrote:
jezf wrote:Also wonder if anyone can help me find a charging cable to plug into the side of the van. It has a charging cable atm, but the bonnet has to be opened and plugged in on the right hand side in the compartment with the fuses. Dont know if this is normal or a retrofit. Seller said that the previous owner must have lost the original cable.

mmmmm thats odd, it really should plug in to the normal side outlet plate on the wing !!!!
So can the van be driven with the charge lead still plugged in as there is a limit connection on the normal plug that stops the van starting if its plugged in on a recharge.

it does have the side connector too, but no cable to slot into this.
i do not fancy trying to move it while its on charge!!
i'll take a photo of the other charging point tomorrow and send it to you fyi

Yes please would be interested to see what they have been messing about with :?

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Postby ChrisB » Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:49 pm

jezf wrote:ok so is it safe to leave on charge overnight? first time i've done this!!! if so i will go outside and put it on charge now. its on the driveway, uncovered though, open to the elements...

The ECU will stop the charger fully automatically for you, becareful what you plug the van into though, make sure you keep the charge lead as short as poss and make sure the 13A socket is a good one DO NOT use extension leads that are not fully unrolled as they will cook the living daylights out of them.

The van will draw the full 13A or even 13.3A for a good many hours if at 10% it will be upwards of 6-7 hours before this current will drop off.
Personally I would be about for the first full charge and see what gets hot and where as almost certianly you will find that stuff does and the last thing you want is to set fire to anything on the first charge due to a dodgey 13A socket :shock:

So if you can wait and do the first fully automatic charge during the day when your around then you can keep and eye on things also understand all the vans little noises , like you will find the cooling fan on the rad might cut in and out after 4 hrs of charge etc

Hope that helps and dosnt scare you to much , its just I'd hate to see a post in the morning from you say oh dear my garage/house has burnt down :cry:

When you say uncovered , what do you mean , what the actual charging plug ??

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Postby jezf » Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:53 pm

I have had an outside socket fitted on the driveway which is linked to an RCD on the fuseboard, so that should step in if any electrical problems occur. It has a 16amp breaker on it, so that should be good enough for the current draw.
Is it ok to plug this in, open to the elements? I dont have a garage. I'm thinking about when its raining really.

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Postby ChrisB » Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:58 pm

Sounds like you'll be OK, but watch out it doesnt melt the outside socket, I've melted mine once :oops:

As long as ALL the connections are covered from the elements and the lead that goes into the bonnet area ( as yours dosnt go in via the side ) cannot let water run down the lead into the bonnet area and possible onto the connections ( which I doubt ) then it should be fine.

Mine lives outside and gets charged rain or shine, keep meaning to add a little box on the wall to keep the charge lead in mind you rather than have to keep un-pluggin it every time, this is what I think killed the outside socket in the end, that and the fact its was poorly made.

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Postby jezf » Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:00 pm

Ok, thats reassuring to hear. I will charge it first thing tomorrow, and send you the pic. Thanks.

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Postby jezf » Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:52 am

here are the pics:



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Postby ChrisB » Sat Sep 01, 2007 9:09 am

Ahhhgggggggg mahoooozive pics :lol:

Any chance you could re-size to say 800/600 as they would fit on the page better :wink:

As for the after market charge lead ............yuk

Cant beleive that little lawn mower plug and socket has put up with it :shock: mind you there is a fair bit of contact area on those plugs.

Its not pretty is it, if you can the correct lead then I'd get one and do away with nasty, dont forget to remove a pack fuse and link if you fiddle with any of the electrics

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Postby jezf » Sat Sep 01, 2007 8:47 pm

I believe the wiring is present in the side connector, so all I need to do is find the correct lead for it.

The noise I was talking about sounds like a pump, its quite loud (might be on its way out) and goes on and off intermittently. It comes back on for a few seconds when I press the brake pedal.

The van had a horrible reverse beeper, which was a bulb with a reverse sounder combo. Located it and replaced with a normal bulb. Much happier now!

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