Forum Text size

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Forum Text size

Postby ChrisB » Sat Feb 02, 2008 6:05 pm

Right I'm having a bit of a battle with someone who says the forums text size is to small.

I havent got a problem with it, but I'd like peoples views

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Postby Flying John » Sat Feb 02, 2008 11:02 pm

It seems to be the same size as other forums I use.

If you want bigger then change the screen resolution.


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Text Size

Postby k81ng » Sun Feb 03, 2008 7:38 am

The fact that you are having a "battle" at all is a bit unfortunate.

All web browsers that I have ever seen (MSIE, Firefox, Mozilla, Camino, Safari, and etc) allow you to change the text size. There are even keyboard shortcuts (usually CTRL +, CTRL 0, and CTRL -) to make changes quick and painless.

Chris, is this certain user cannot take a few seconds to learn how to use his web browser properly, I don't see why you should have to spend extra time "battling" him.

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Postby arsharpe » Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:23 am

Hi Chris,

I am sure this is "teaching granny to suck eggs", but here goes anyway :-)

Kate is partially correct. The proviso is that the web does not specifically set the size of the font. I tried increasing the text size in my IE, but it didn't have any afffect.

Unfortunately the html that the forum software generates looks like it uses style sheets or something else that set the text size specifically. If you cant configure the style sheets, then the only thing that will give the desired affect is, like J says, to change the screen resolution.

For me the text size is ok and I normally have problems reading small text. I wouldn't worry about it Chris. Just mail him to respectfully change the screen resolution as I am sure he would similar problems with other applications.

Good luck.


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MSIE Text Size

Postby k81ng » Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:47 am

arsharpe wrote:Hi Chris,
Kate is partially correct. The proviso is that the web does not specifically set the size of the font. I tried increasing the text size in my IE, but it didn't have any afffect.

Rob, out of curiousity, what version of MSIE are you using? Some prior versions didn't allow for proper magnification and, hence, this issue.

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Postby timpootle » Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:19 am

I think the font is smaller than a standard webpage, but the same as every other phpBB forum.

I rely on my browser to make the WorldWideWeb bigger when I need it (I use Opera), but asking the original complainant to change his/her software to suit us may well alienate them.

Presumably this mystery person is reading this thread. Care to comment?
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Re: MSIE Text Size

Postby arsharpe » Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:12 am

Hi Kate,

k81ng wrote:Rob, out of curiousity, what version of MSIE are you using? Some prior versions didn't allow for proper magnification and, hence, this issue.

My IE version is 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.070227-2254

I tried it with Firefox and the increasing text size does work.
Like you say, it could be a browser limitation.


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Postby ChrisB » Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:30 pm

Thanks folks

I run 1024x768 set to small fonts and to be honest its fine for me and the text is the same size as every other forum/site I use.

I was pretty sure the forum font size was OK.

I dont mind the "Battle" , perhaps thats too stronger word, maybe discussion would be better, I'd rather beat something out and get folks views than blindly carry on thinking all was fine when everyone else was struggling and just hadnt said anything :? .

Well it looks like its fine from the above comments and seeing your comment Rob about reading small text makes me even happier.

The mystery user may or may not want to comment I leave that entirely up to them :wink:

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Postby qdos » Sun Feb 03, 2008 3:07 pm

The font size is fine leave well alone. The people who complain they can't read it need to learn how to use their PCs. I know this sounds a harsh response but basically that's the truth of the matter.

Everyone's PCs will reproduce a web page according to how they have their PCs set up. I've often been asked to fix PCs for people over many many years and it often amazes me the variation in Screen resolutions people have and what they like things set as. It's a personal preference and you'll never satisfy all of the people all of the time.

We all use different Operating systems and different browsers and our screen resolutions are all different too then there's the colour resolutions too if you like to go into that much detail but basically this font size is fine and those who don't like it will need to adjust their PCs as the chances are they are also having the same problems reading all the other websites out there which are also using this same standard font spec.

Now assuming this posting hasn't sent those complaining off into a rage where they are no longer reading the post. Here is how they can increase the font size to suit them. Now I'm going to assume they are using Windows XP with Internet Explorer and probably a screen res of 800x600 or perhaps 1024x768 (this has probably already lost most of those complaining about the font but please bear with me as this really wont matter to them what mattes is one way to sort their problem out) Assuming you have IE6 or less do the following.....

In your web browser at the top there are some menus Click on
now select >TEXT SIZE
Try one of the sizes which is bigger than the default which your browser has programmed indicated by the black dot adjacent to the word denoting your font size

Hey presto now you can view it at a verity of sizes to suit you!

This is pretty much the same for most other browsers etc too and to answer the post above about CSSs it also works with Firefox regardless of the stylesheets or at least it does on this PC here running Linux 8)

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Re: Text Size

Postby dargles » Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:25 am

k81ng wrote:There are even keyboard shortcuts (usually CTRL +, CTRL 0, and CTRL -) to make changes quick and painless.Kate

Well, fancy that - you live and learn! I reckon there's not much that passes me by (I'm an experienced Linux user), but I'd missed this one (yes, I know it's given in the menu, but I hadn't thought to look). Thanks, Kate!

Not that I need it at the moment though. Although I'm at an age where size matters (and reading glasses), the forum text size is fine, and as you say, the same size as on other forums.

BTW, isn't there also an accessibility tool in MS that magnifies screen size under the mouse pointer? That would be yet another solution.

Regards, David
PS: Surely the CSS issue is a red herring? They are Cascading Style Sheets, so any local changes should override the CSS settings? - D

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