leaving the van standing

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leaving the van standing

Postby jezf » Fri Feb 08, 2008 10:15 am

If I were to be leaving my van standing ie not driven for a couple of weeks, what state of the batteries would be best for it to be left in ie fully charged or fully empty?

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Postby ChrisB » Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:10 pm

In theory it wont bother it for a few weeks, the controller will keep the 12volt topped up every now and then and the actual draw on the pack is minimal with it all switched off.

To be honest its best they are left fully charged as it means there is less chance of the pack becoming "un-balanced"

For extended periods I would recomend pulling one of the pack fuses, one of the ones under the bonnet are easyiest and then disconnecting the 12volt.

Do remember to remove the pack fuse BEFORE disconnecting the 12volt though, as I have heard some folk have had problems doing it the other way round as the charger in the controller can go into a run away situation and damage itself , although this is only rumors ??

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