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Postby Deker » Mon Feb 04, 2008 2:23 am

Right Folks. To start Chris is a mate of mine, I first met him at an AGM.

So our "battle is more like "banter"

Now then, I am not as young as most of you, now suffering stigmatism and the usual eyesight probs of older folks.
I cannot speed read these pages to filter out stuff Im not interested in during that particular visit.

Also, I need sharp contrast, the light grey and blue/grey (that's how they look to me) backgrounds make it harder to read.

Some of you say change screen res, for my apps I use 1152 * 864.
Which is fine for the BVS site and others including eBay.

Yes the phpbb forums do use the same fonts, I find them very hard to read.

Kate and qdos, I am bit more "computer literate" than many users, I have worked in DOS, done a bit of BASIC programming, built PCs, installed M.S.OSs and progs.
But nowadays Im not so adventurous and do struggle a bit with the net and other bits of S/Ware.

AND I do know how to change screen res, BUT it's another chore :-(

asharpe and qdos, yes it is the browser limitation, I.E. View/Text size does not work with phbpp.

Looks like timpootle agrees with me :-)

The problem is, the very nice person who set up the phpbb forums did not enable the M.S.I.E. View bit in the Menu bar

This is my first posting, and I find this panel/wndow really hard work to read what I am typing.
So Iv tried to enable a larger font in the posting, see if it works !

dargles, ever tried using Windoze magnifier !

Chris thanks for the link to this page.


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Postby ChrisBarron » Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:42 am

Deker wrote: Right Folks. To start Chris is a mate of mine, I first met him at an AGM.
Some of you say change screen res, for my apps I use 1152 * 864.
Which is fine for the BVS site and others including eBay.

Hello Deker.
I just changed screen resolution from my normal setting to your setting and find that it is difficult to read. I'm using a good quality LCD panel, but I find they can give problems on smaller text sizes, so i am not sure if thats an issue with you.

The solution is to get back to something sensible is to change screen resolution back to a a more 'standard' setting, because 1152x864 is not always the best.

I minimise the windows to get back to my desktop, right-click the mouse and select 'properties'. When the screen settings box appears I choose 'settings' and move the resolution sliuder bar one click to the left, to get 1280x768 which makes the text here easy to read.

I can't think of an eaiser solution just now


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Postby ChrisB » Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:47 am

Hello Deker 8)

See I told you that you could do it :wink:

I'm afraid as I said the Forum font size is the forum font size :?

A suggestion for making posts if you dont like typing in the forum reply window would be to type your post in an application like word with a font size of your choice and then do a quick copy and paste into the forums reply window :wink:

Folks Deker is a dam clever chappy give him a bit of metal and he'll turn it, mill it, drill it etc etc into pretty much what ever you want 8)

Lets get some pics of some of your creations eh Deker :wink:

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Postby qdos » Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:26 am

OK not sure why it's not working in your Internet Explorer as it works in mine on a Windows machine I have just checked it on but there you go.

So here's another couple of possible solutions both are in fact free so won't cost a penny. The first is dead simple and I'd recommend everyone to try this out

Try Firefox it's a free legal and much better browser than Internet Explorer and you can add some very useful add-ons such as Adblock which blocks advertisements etc. You can download it at

Secondly try a larger monitor. Now this sounds expensive BUT you can get them if you join Freecycle I've got several here I've obtained free of charge and I' talking 21" top quality monitors too! There's a network of Freecycle groups right across the world so I can't really give you a link as I don't know where you are but google it and I'm sure you'll find one right where you live.

Another thing you can do is run the accessibility options built into most Operating Systems in Windows you'll find it under

There's a whole selection of in built aids there There's also some skins which will change the appearance of your PC desktop to make things high contrast but I forget where that is at the moment.

Hope that helps

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Postby Deker » Sat Feb 09, 2008 3:33 am

Thanks Mr. qdos, Firefox offers the best solution for increased font size.

Changing Display Properties is a pain, when one has multiple applications open,
Some too big, some really big ! then one finds the Desktop icons get scattered.

BTW, how dated are you i.e. Q.D.O.S. Do you use it ?


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Postby qdos » Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:17 am

You're very welcome Dekker There are of course other browsers too but Firefox is extremely good and it's open source which means FREE :)

I don't use Q.D.O.S sorry to say, it's actually from Qdos Cars which I am part of the Q being Quadricycles. Long story :wink:

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Postby MB » Sun Feb 10, 2008 7:21 pm

Interestingly I've had the same comments directed at me at the G-Wiz owners club web site.

There are ways to change the font size by going through the PhPP scripts - but it is awful hard work and I haven't got round to fixing everything yet.

Once I have an answer though, I'll let Chris know if there is an easy way to do it!

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Postby MB » Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:55 pm

MikeBoxwell wrote:Once I have an answer though, I'll let Chris know if there is an easy way to do it!

Done it! Have a look at and see what you think.

I suspect we're using the same software on the G-Wiz forums as you are here - it certainly looks that way.

Chris - it's really quite simple, you can edit the .CSS script files and change the font sizes there - I would suggest increasing the point size by 2pt for every font in the system. If you are struggling, get in touch with me: give me administrator access for an hour or two and I can do it all for you.

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Postby ChrisB » Wed Apr 09, 2008 12:19 pm

Thanks Mike , I'll drop you a note :wink:

Must admit I'm not sure I can tell any difference :oops:

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Postby qdos » Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:55 pm

Now I'm going to be awkward and tell you that I've just nipped over to the Gwiz forum and I'm affraid to say it doesn't render at all well on my sytem it's all cock eyed

So can I make a request to Chris to just leave alone.

I just looked back and the guy complaining is using a resoloution of 1152 * 864. Well it's not surprising he's having difficulty at that resolution!!! He's probably one of a very small handfull of people running at that res. Sorry it's his problem of his making. There's nothing wrong with the font sizes. It's a bit like going and buying a huge American limo and then complaining that the roads aren't big enough here to drive it.
Last edited by qdos on Thu Apr 10, 2008 6:27 am, edited 3 times in total.

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