Anyone seen these 10KW chargers before?

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Postby ChrisB » Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:00 pm

retepsnikrep wrote:Interesting

I had a 6kw 96v 55A charger for the van and Evan had or has a mighty 10kw plus charger for his Berlingo. 8)

Made the light dim a bit on single phase power :shock:

Nought wrong with Evans 10kw charger or your charger , yeah will make the lights dip somewhat but thats only due to volt drop on the incoming cable really and will happen, take a look at how small your actual incomer is :shock:

When we had night storage heaters here when they came in at midnight and they where all turned on we'd pull about 70Amps for the first few hours until the stats started to click in and out, and yes the lights did dip and the incomer did get warm/hot, we burnt the boards fuse out every few years as well :oops:

aminorjourney wrote:

I do see what you're getting at, but let's be honest, there's only ONE way of filling up a car with an Internal Combustion Engine, so why should EVs be any different?

I feel that all these different charging leads ( 13 A, 16 A etc etc ) don't do us any harm. Why not go for a fast charge system? This thing seems to cope with between 48 and 96V. Obviously it'd be nice if it could carry the higher DC voltages too for vehicles like the Berlingo.

Let's bash it about a bit ;)

electricvehicles wrote:But ICE cars generally run on only 2 types of fuel: Diesel and Petrol. Evs run on 100s of different voltages, using numerous battery types, all requiring different charging techniques:?
Also what happens if the Charger Cooks your Nice New Set of Batteries :?
Who will be responsible ?

At least if using your own charger, its only you who is responsible for any problems arising from it.

Nice idea but in pratice I dont think it will become a reality

I think that says it all really , while it would be nice I really cant see it working in practice and as electricvehicles says what happens if the fast charger totals your nice new set of Li-ions.........would you trust a council owned charger :?

Peter Eggleston wrote:Correct me if I am wrong, but I think the maths here is all wrong.
Using the formula Power=Amps x volts charging at 45 amps and 96 volts gives power at the battery of 45 X 96 = 4320 watts.
Ignoring any power losses from heat etc as the electricity is transformed, the current supplied by the mains should be power divided by volts.
That is 4320 watts divided by 240 volts = 18 amps.
The mains then only needs to supply 18 amps, not 45 amps.

I believe this bears out as I already start my battery charging sequence at 35 amps on a 32 amp mains circuit breaker with no problems.

You are correct Peter but I'm confused as to what the problem is ??

If you look at the charger that nikki posted the link to then thats exactly how it works, the charger is rated at a max of 100amps @ max 96volts this equates to about 10kw which then transposes to around 40 amps not including losses etc so I'd look at putting in a 60A supply for it :wink:

Where are the maths wrong ?

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Peter Eggleston
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Postby Peter Eggleston » Thu Apr 10, 2008 9:16 pm

Quite right. My mistake. I was thinking it was 48 amps at the charger, not 100 amps at the charger. I would not like to put 100 amps into my batteries at any time.

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Postby ChrisB » Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:22 pm

No probs Peter, I wasnt sure if it was me going wobbley with my maths :lol:

My Nicads can cope with 150amps max charge :twisted: but then they are liquid cooled :wink:

Dont think I'd want to push that figure into Pb's unless they where pretty big ones.

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