City of London axing free parking for electric cars

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City of London axing free parking for electric cars

Postby hailstorm » Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:48 am ...

[The free parking] "schemes are being axed or scaled down, because commuters are adding to congestion by using the cars instead of walking, cycling or travelling by public transport".

The car park scheme will be scrapped from the end of this year, forcing owners of electric cars already registered with it to pay £2,000 for an annual permit next year. This will increase to £4,000 in 2010 and to £6,396 - the same as everyone else pays - in 2011.

Disappointing news imo. Electric cars make up such a tiny fraction of cars in London. I can't see how they would be making much difference to congestion problems. The only result this will have is to remove another incentive to drive electric.

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Night Train
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Postby Night Train » Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:01 pm

Doesn't surprise me.
If everyone cycled they would charge for cycle parking, if everyone walked there would be a tax on shoes.

If someone invented a machine to produce free energy from nothing they would tax the output. :(

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Postby cianof » Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:31 pm

That is really stupid IMO. Why did they bring in free parking for electric vehicles in the 1st place? Is the exemption for EVs from the congestion charge being revoked also?

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