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Tony Dolby
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Postby Tony Dolby » Mon Sep 29, 2008 5:40 pm

Looks good here, well done gang!

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Possible outage

Postby timpootle » Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:47 am

Hello all.

We have successfully moved servers; the next step is to move to our own domain registration. This is so that no one member is reponsible for administration; it actually belongs to the society.

This transfer proccess should be smooth and swift, but the website and this forum may disappear from the internet for up to a day in the coming week.

We will be in the hands of the domain registrars during this period.
As I say, hopefully no one will notice a thing, but if we do disappear, I will be scurrying to reinstate everything as soon as possible.

I will post again here to give you the all clear.
Tim Crumpton

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Postby qdos » Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:08 am

Is anyone else finding the site is very slow uploading at the moment ?

I've cross checked other sites and they are fine but currently the BVS forum is taking a long time for pages to load

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Postby timpootle » Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:11 pm

qdos wrote:Is anyone else finding the site is very slow uploading at the moment ?

I've cross checked other sites and they are fine but currently the BVS forum is taking a long time for pages to load

I would like to hear other people's experience, too.

What time of day were you checking, Kelvin? My daily backup was being sent at 01.00, which might have slowed the server a bit. I have changed this to 04.00 to see if that helps.
Tim Crumpton

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Postby qdos » Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:35 pm

Was around the time of my posting However it seems there's a few sites I'm experiencing slow responses with so it may be something more widespread. I don't suppose you know where our servers are located ?

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Postby timpootle » Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:53 am

qdos wrote: I don't suppose you know where our servers are located ?

Telecity Manchester, I believe.

The domain registration transfer process in in progress now. I don't anticipate any downtime of the website or forum, but anyone with a society email address should read the email I sent out yesterday. If you didn't get it, PM me here and I will fill you in.
Tim Crumpton

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Postby timpootle » Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:42 am

Well, it finally happened. If you noticed the website, forum and email disappear for a few hours last night, that was the DNS transfer in progress. Everything is now settled and should be working. Speak up if you notice a problem.

If you have a society email address, you will be recieving mail from the new mail server. Mail sent during the transfer process (Thursday evening 30th October) may have fallen down the gap. If you sent any mail TO a society address in that time, please re-send it. If you need further help, you can contact me on 07751 696055
Tim Crumpton

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Postby qdos » Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:44 pm

Hard to miss it really wasn't it The site was down till about midday today! never mind it's only taken you a month to do it. Which is pretty good going for things comming from Manchester these days.

And what about the e-mails previously sent which have not been collected ?

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Postby ChrisB » Fri Oct 31, 2008 3:54 pm

Kelvin :roll:

Calm down :wink: its not like we're running the latest multimillion pound empire is it :wink:

I reject reality and substitute my own !!!!!!

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Postby timpootle » Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:10 am

Not being an Outlook (Express) user, I had to use Chris as a guinea-pig. This is what he found:

Got it working now :-)

Right for the record settings for POP3 outlook express are as follows:-

In and out going servers are, as you say, mail.batteryvehiclesociety.org.uk
Account name is, as you said, yourname@batteryvehiclesociety.org.uk
Password is what you set, can be changed via webmail log in.

Out going mail must have the box ticked saying "My server requires aunthentication" and in the settings screen tick the box that says "use the same settings as incoming mail server"

Job done :-)

Thanks Tim


Rob Sharpe uses IMAP, with equal success.
Tim Crumpton

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