Scooter Recommendations ?

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Scooter Recommendations ?

Postby piratg » Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:39 pm


New here as you can tell.

I have few questions regarding my dilema and wondered if any one had any thoughts.

Im basically disabled person thats looking to try to get mobile , i dont have mobiity scooter - yet but Im working on it , and in the meantime have been looking at scooters.

I notice , as others have pointed out these fun2ride scotters though at 14 mph ,Id almost rather go with something else more powerful if I could get away with it and wondered if any one had any recommendations that didnt run into the thousands.

Ideally something that could go 40 -50 miles at 25 - 30 mph - thought his may be asking a lot.

Perhaps these fun scooters are ok given how cheap they are but they look like chinese imports which ive heard arent so great.

thanks again


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Postby ChrisB » Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:03 am

Hi ya

The reason your normal scooter is only able to do 14mph is a legal one :roll:

Keeping it at that means anyone over the age of 14 or is it 12 can drive it and you dont need a licience/MOT/insurance.

Once you break that barrier your then playing with the big stuff that does require all the legal bits and bobs and will generally cost a few 1000 :(

Most of the stuff now are chinese imports :( , to be fair as long as you realise what you've bought and treat it as such they are noramally quite OK.
It is worth stripping them down and re-assembling them with more greese etc as this is quite often what lets the stuff down I've found, also treat it with kid gloves a bit.

Does that help in any way ?

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