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Membership Renewal Poll

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:54 pm
by ChrisB
After seeing Electricvehicles post about having a poll to see who may or may not renew their membership in April I thought I'd run one.

The poll is totally anonyomouse and even Admins cant see who voted for what......well unless I care to dig about in the DB for a while, which to be honest I neither have the time or the energy to do :lol:


Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:30 pm
by ChrisB
mmm well it looks like you could say we have almost a 50/50 split if you put the Maybe's with the No's, mind with 13 votes currently it dosnt exactly show a great representation of the membership :lol:


Membership renewals or not!

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:56 pm
by chatwindows
Can we not put our own prejudices behind us & strive to get ourselves out of this dead end backwater. The past will never be here again, so leave it where it is. The important thing now, is to rescue the society from eating itself through personal differences.
It's a sad fact of the human psyche, & I hold my hand up to being no better or worse in this matter. Critiscism always brings out the stubborn worst in all of us. Harrumph! It has never been so easy to insult or criticise each other than in todays computer world. Non of what has happened would have occured had the parties been face to face. Normal civilised good manners would have prevented it.
A new team effort approach to our mouthpiece (Plugged In) might do us all a lot of good.
Envy, malice & brooding can easily steal away a valuable part of your life.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:09 pm
by ChrisB
You in the right thread CW :? , I only asked to see who may or may not renew their memberships :wink:

Interesting that we have only got 24 replies, so does this mean that we actually only have 24 paid up members on the forums and the rest of you are actually non paying members :lol:


Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:01 pm
by markg
Well I was a paying member when I joined this forum. But I will own up that I did not renew last year. :oops:

I must say that a lot of the posts recently are not doing anything to convince me that I made the wrong choice.

Also for what it is worth I think that you should have a members only area, where you could thrash out the issues you are currently having in private.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:15 am
by ChrisB
It IS the long term plan :wink:

When I first set it up it was fully locked down but others felt it needed to be more open and thus it was opened up, then of course all hell broke loose :roll:

It is in the offing that whole areas of the Website will be "members only" along with swathes of the Forum :wink:

You have been warned :wink:


Post subject.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:21 am
by chatwindows
This might bring wrath down on my head.
Is it right for non members to critiscise what is going on? If one cannot be bothered to cough up £15.00 to be a member, then I would respectfully suggest, that one should keep ones own opinions out of these forum pages. I am in a Rifle Club which has it's own site. Anyone can read the info & ask questions etc. However, to access the forum, one has to have a valid membership number & an annual pass word. It seems to work.
It is wrong to critiscise, without at least contributing, or offering alternative help.

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:20 pm
by ChrisB
As I said the forums will become a lot more tightly controlled and access to areas will only be made available to those who have paid their monies :wink:



Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:35 am
by Deker
ChrisB wrote:Interesting that we have only got 24 replies, so does this mean that we actually only have 24 paid up members on the forums and the rest of you are actually non paying members :lol:


Only just got here Chris, add another one to the vote.

CW Says
"If one cannot be bothered to cough up £15.00 to be a member, then I would respectfully suggest, that one should keep ones own opinions out of these forum pages".
I agree with that.
B.T.W. CW where are you located ?


Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:27 am
by qdos
"If one cannot be bothered to cough up £15.00 to be a member, then I would respectfully suggest, that one should keep ones own opinions out of these forum pages".

I agree with that.

Now this is a good example of what I mentioned elsewhere on the forum regarding the welcoming nature of the BVS.

Hardly very inviting is it?