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Ever wondered what it's like to ride in a Sinclair C5?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:44 am
by booboo
This footage traken during our recent "Royal Run 3" at Sandringham gives you a taste of what it's like riding about in a C5 :lol: ;

...a lot of laughs :D

Re: Ever wondered what it's like to ride in a Sinclair C5?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:25 am
by ex925
Thank you for the enjoyable video
I salute your collective courage on the highway
This is NOT any criticism, I mean it at face-value, resulting from experience of....
Those average motorists who sometimes fail to see my 2-ton, 7-seater Nissan Largo!
I am very wary on the highway as a motorcyclist, even more so as a cyclist or EAPC-rider
Having ridden a recumbent for a couple of years, I feel I partially understand the eye-view from a C5

That video was delightful, with the excellent sound-track, the beautiful scenery and the perfect weather
If I could justify another kind of toy, it would definitely be a C5, but, of course, I'd have to try tweaking it............
All the best