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A cry for help !

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:29 am
by booboo
You may have noticed my slow,but steady, progress in restoring a "mini-El" in a thread on the Cityel section.

I have now reached a point where I need some assistance in sorting out the wiring , due to my very limited knowledge of all things electrical :oops: . That and the fear of my potential tampering causing some damage :wink: .

The hope is that there is someone here that is in a position to help. As far as I am aware, the vehicle needs the recently purchased new contactors/relay fitting . Unfortunately the vehicle was purchased as a non-runner & arrived with several bits removed and placed in the boot :shock: ,so I dont know where everything goes. Nikki has offered to send some pictures of her Cityel and some copies of pages from the manual that should help .

I am located in Crawley,near Gatwick, but am happy to travel if necessary. I could also provide food/accommodation/use of a garage (complete with beer fridge) at my place if required.

I am really itching to get this beastie back up and running :) , fingers crossed and hoping the cavalry isnt too far away....

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:21 pm
by booboo
This is what I need help with ;

I need to attach this -


To the big red bit -


But why are there only four small wires and three large wires , when there are eight small "spade connectors" ?



Just unsure where it all joins up - any ideas ?

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:50 pm
by pyoorkate
I don't mind helping if someone can supply a wiring diagram. Although there appears to be a mass of black wires... which is unhelpful.

Oh, and assuming it's done on the basis that if the vehicle explodes and leaves a large scorched hole in the ground I can hop back in my Viva and nip off ;-)

And it may take me a while to get there, what with having to sort out my mum's EV first. Incidentally, wish us luck the MOT is on Friday and it's the first time we've driven it anywhere. 6 miles away, apparently with a steep hill between us and them. Ack.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:50 am
by MalcolmB
I can't help with the power cables (the big black ones) as I can't tell which does what without tracing them back.

The two pairs of smaller wires are used to power the coils on each contactor – I'd guess one pair for forward, the other pair for reverse.
If you look closely at the spade connectors on the contactors you'll see that there are actually only two distinct electrical connections on each coil, but each connection has two spade connectors. You need to connect each pair of wires to each pair of connections on the contactor coils, taking care not to damage the little resistors that join the pairs of wires together.

I know this probably sounds unintelligible, but hopefully someone who lives a little closer than I do will be able to drop by and help you out soon.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:06 am
by booboo
Thanks for the replies is comforting to know I am not alone.

Fingers crossed for the MoT Kate...I've also got that hurdle to face once I get my mini-El up and running.

I think most BVS members living this neck of the woods are gearing up for the London-Brighton run.

It's looking more likely that I might have to walk away from this restoration project for a little while, the limited funds available will be gobbled up next month on a family holiday. September is looking favourable :wink:

Shame, 'coz I really wanted some summer fun with the roof down. Although having said that,there hasn't been much sun yet either so I think I will save the suncream until next year !

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:19 am
by qdos
booboo wrote:Shame, 'coz I really wanted some summer fun with the roof down. Although having said that,there hasn't been much sun yet either so I think I will save the suncream until next year !

Roof down!!! Roofs are for wimps ;) You don't need sunshine to enjoy being topless

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:37 am
by aminorjourney
No - In fact I go topless in the winter!

Karl, I'll try and get you some diagrams today or tomorrow scanned in :)


P.S. Will need to know your serial number I think - but I recall you have a car which is half series II and half series III.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:38 am
by anachrocomputer
Incidentally, those little components that link the two wires (at the terminals) are diodes, not resistors. They are for back-EMF suppression, due to the inductive load of the contactor's coil.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:58 am
by MalcolmB
those little components that link the two wires (at the terminals) are diodes, not resistors

just checking to see if anyone was awake :wink:

You're absolutely right, they're diodes.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:34 pm
by booboo
anachrocomputer wrote:Incidentally, those little components that link the two wires (at the terminals) are diodes, not resistors. They are for back-EMF suppression, due to the inductive load of the contactor's coil.

it's at this point I could easily forget we are both speaking English :oops:

Hopefully we can arrange to meet sometime soon so that my education can continue - it's been fun so far :)

Nikki - serial number is SO3114

As I commute throughout the year,in all weathers, 60miles a day on a motorbike I think I am already properly conditioned for topless motoring :P