A MASSIVE thank you!!

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A MASSIVE thank you!!

Postby JoanneB » Mon May 14, 2012 12:25 pm

I am just popping by to say thank you to all those BVS members who helped me immensely in my research of EV drivers for a masters' thesis I was doing at Durham University. You truly were stars.

I graduated last year and my thesis is available through the university thesis archives - http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/690/

A quick update - shortly after I finished the fieldwork (July 2010) I found I was expecting again. I had twin girls in Feb 2011, adding to the two girls I already had. It has been hard work and I am exhausted.

In July 2011 I graduated from Durham University with an MA by research in Anthropology. I continue to work with my supervisors at Durham University and advise them from time to time when they work with industry on the subject of EVs and energy use. We are currently working on a paper together which discusses EV ownership motivation as part of a wider picture of consumerism. We hope it will help industry to focus their attention on the important issues of ownership and energy use instead of just relying on, sometimes erroneous assumptions.

I continue to advocate EVs as a way of adding flexibility and choice within multi-vehicle households, and am trying to advise industry and policy makers against spending too much on recharging points, instead advising that lower-cost solutions can be just as useful and using the money saved to help in other ways, such as purchase subsidies. I don't know if anyone is taking any notice but we can hope.

So, anyway, the help the society and its members have given me has been invaluable and provided a rich insight which questionnaires just don't manage to get to the bottom of. The individuals involved have been sent a link to my thesis previously, but I just wanted to extend this and my thanks to the society generally, which has been, and continues to be, the place for friendly and helpful EV owners.

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