
If you own a Electrique or any of the other PSA range of vehicles then look here for your answers and post your questions or general views here
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Postby loonyLambeth » Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:26 am

Anyone know which Insurance companies are knowledgeable about the factory-built 106's or Berlingos ?

Any I've been speaking to don't seem happy to insure them - even if they insure 'modern' electric cars. They say it's a parts issue (ironic, given there are more parts around for those mass-produced vehicles than there probably ever will be for the likes of the G-Wizz).

Anyone else encounter a similar problem and have any suggestions re who to use ?

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Postby qdos » Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:21 am

Footman James are supposed to be BVS friendly they have us listed on their site.

See the listing here Click here if you call them make sure you mention you are from the BVS assuming of ciurse you are actually a member :wink:

Strangely enough I'm just about to call them on behalf of someone else to ask about an other non standard car.

I have to say I just called their specialist vehicles department and they basically didn't seem to know much unless it was on their computer screens. but they do go and have a look and in my case they were happy to use a Kit Car policy to do it.

Others to try are Adrian Flux, Osbornes or some of the other specialists who don't basically just run off standard listings

Good luck let us know how you get on!

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Postby jezf » Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:32 am

norwich union via the post office pulls up the valid berlingo electrique details, and i found them to be the most price competitive.

Richard Elliott
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Postby Richard Elliott » Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:20 pm

I found Footman James very helpful when I arranged cover for my Berlingo EV last year. I already had a policy for my classic cars with them. They were happy to arrange cover for me on the basis that the Van would be used for private use and not as a van for business. Premium was about £120 with an annual mileage limit of 3000 which is adequate for me I expect.
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Postby ChrisB » Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:29 pm

Adrian Flux also insures berlingos.

Totally avoid any of your normal run of the mill insurance folk as they really dont have a clue.

The phone call normally goes like this.

"Do you insure Berlingo Electriques"

"Oh yes sir"

"Right can I have a quote"

"No problem, let me take some details (blah blah blah ) what cc is the engine ?"

"Errr its electric it doesnt have a cc its got a electric motor rated at 28kw motor"

"Ah right so thats 28cc then sir"

"Nooooooooooooooooo its 28kw's " says I

"oh, so its 2.8ltrs then so thats 2800cc" says insurance bod

"Nooooooooooo" says I "its electric, can you leave it blank as its not got a cc"

"Oh no Sir I cant do that"

.............and so it went on, I gave up with normal insurance firms after 2 of those types of conversations :roll:

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Postby ChrisB » Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:36 pm

Richard Elliott wrote:I found Footman James very helpful when I arranged cover for my Berlingo EV last year. I already had a policy for my classic cars with them. They were happy to arrange cover for me on the basis that the Van would be used for private use and not as a van for business. Premium was about £120 with an annual mileage limit of 3000 which is adequate for me I expect.
Richard Elliott

Quite interesting as they quoted me £180 (in the end) :?

Might have been the post code lottery but £60 difference :shock: I dont think I live in that much of a dodgey area :cry:

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Richard Elliott
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Postby Richard Elliott » Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:43 pm

Perhaps I'm older and greyer! In a garage overnight helped. And definately the not using it for business bit. Ashburton's pretty peace loving as well!
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Postby qdos » Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:09 am

Insurance is a two way thing and it's every bit as much about what it is you are likely to crash into as it is about what you drive.

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Postby sparky » Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:50 am

Can anyone give me any advice or sergestions on a insurance problem
I managed to get some rear seats for my berlingo out of a multispace
great I thought I can now do my rear seat conversion.
A work colleague couch builder who is a fully qualified vehicle modifier he use to work for a company that did van conversions agreed to help in exchange for some electrical work at his house, just phone the insurance company to let them know ill be starting the conversion
Went something like this -hallo just phoning to let you know Ill be fitting side windows and rear seats in my van,
Yes that will be fine who will be doing the windows.
Im getting a windscreen company to do that.
Yep great and what company will be doing the seats.
Well Im doing that with the help of a work colleague
O" are you professionals
Yes im a profesional vehicle electrician and hes a profesional couch builder and a fully qualified van converter
O" Ill just check
1minute later do you actually do van conversions
Well no we work for a bus company witch is sort of like big vans
But the company you work for don't actually fit seats in vans
Well no but the chap who will be doing the work is fully qualified and use to fit seats in vans.
No its got to be a company that does seat conversions and we will need a certificate
Well i thought ill change my insurance company not so easy I spent one whole day on the phone i must have phoned every insurance company in the world and the ones bvs members have recommended allot of companies wouldn't insure simply becuase they dont insure electric vehicles and the ones that do as soon as i mention wanting to do the rear seat conversion they ran a mile.
Well i thought ill have to get a company to do it, there not many in my area the nearest is 35 miles away but i rang
could you fit my seats
He said even though the seats are out of a multispace they not type approved for the van so thy could not be certificated he said if they were fitted the mountings would have to tested at a special test centre and it would cost allot. he can fit a type approved seat that's just a bench type seat that doesn't look very comfortable for £750.
He said the law has change recently you use to be able to fit any seat in a van but you cant now is that true?
Ill appreciate any ideas or suggestions.

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Postby qdos » Sun Jul 06, 2008 8:01 am


Well first off most insurer's just like to stick to what's in the book. They are money machines that happen to have customers with cars, they have no real interest in cars and are only motivated by making proffits so anything that isn't in thier system they don't like. It means they have to spend time looking it up and time is money.

Sooooo try one of the specialist companies such as any you'll find in a kit car magazine. Footman James may be worth a call as they are supposed to be amenable to what we do in the BVS and insure Kits too

Basically phone around you are not forced to stick with any particular company. As far as the law goes it's news to me but then I've not been into vans but them a whole load of vans are basically estate cars with the rear seats removed. So I think you've been given a run around and basically they don't want your custom.

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