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Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:23 pm
by mas
Personally Toni I think you ' may' have been lucky. My instincts are often spot on and like I said I swerved that one. I gave it a miss though I was totally serious in my interest.

If someone here did buy it and is keeping quiet 8) I hope it turns out to be a great buy for them and that they ' come out' about the purchase soon hehehe

Cheers Mas


Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:50 pm
by Tony Dolby
Thanks mas, I feel much better now (sniffle).

I think all things Electrique finish up here anyway, best forum going!!

How do people "find" the odd cells when they pop? I have found absolutely zilch anywhere.

Cheers all,

Tony. :) :(

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:02 pm
by mas
Best 'EV' forum yes best forum mmmmmmmmm not sure about that one , i rather like my own one :wink:

> > ..

Re: Blingo

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:05 am
by ChrisB
Tony Dolby wrote:Thanks mas, I feel much better now (sniffle).

I think all things Electrique finish up here anyway, best forum going!!

How do people "find" the odd cells when they pop? I have found absolutely zilch anywhere.

Cheers all,

Tony. :) :(

Thanks Tony 8) that was the orginal idea to be fair.........a berlingo Electrique forum ........but it sort of grew into the BVS one :lol:

Spare cells are a problem, to my knowledge I dont know of anyone actually buying new ones except for possibley EVan as I know he has mentioned before having a brand new pack available to go in a van he was selling :? otherwise everyone else looks for another dead van and buys that to rob the batteries from.

Spare parts are a problem for the Electrique sadly :cry: which is a shame as they still ( in my book ) the most afordable and useable EV out there.


Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:37 am
by ChrisB
mas wrote:Best 'EV' forum yes best forum mmmmmmmmm not sure about that one , i rather like my own one :wink:

> > ..

Well your going to arnt you :lol:

Does look like a good forum for doggie lovers I must admit, not that I'm a doggie lover, cant stand the things, them and kids :twisted:



Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:42 pm
by Tony Dolby
Hi mas,
Nice site, I have three Cockers myself so I understand.
I meant EV forums, of course. I couldn't possible have seen all forums.

You're welcome Chris, It IS one of the best sites for me, I like the content, the people and the (EV) bon homie (spl?)
Please tell me folks are not scrapping Blingos for the batteries, that's worse than the price of LiFePo's!

Just bought a late Blingo HDi Multispace, ( wife well impressed) for the bits a leccy can't do. When I get an Electrique the circle is closed.

Cheers all,


Re: Blingo

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 9:42 pm
by ChrisB
Tony Dolby wrote:Please tell me folks are not scrapping Blingos for the batteries, that's worse than the price of LiFePo's!.

:oops: Ah thats sort of what I did :oops:

But in my defence the other van had a dead motor/controller :?



Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:52 am
by Tony Dolby
Hi Chris,

It seems so wasteful but when I think of having a complete Electrique and not being able to use it because of a cell or two gone!! No contest.
WHEN I get my workshop built I shall be looking for a scrapper to rebuild an ex-ICE body and possibly LiFePo's, ( which will be dirt cheap by then!!!!!!). So don't throw anything away.
I'm sure with EVan's help most things can be put right. Really need somebody to fall across an old submarine with about four ton of Saft Nicads. As the song says; Dreams are made of this!

All the best,

Tony. :D

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:56 am
by Grumpy-b
I still have a few 98 cells that seem good with decent voltages.
I also have some other Berlingos, that I have bought for spares and as doners for my Electric Multispace. With one vehicle its just on the point of being worth getting back on the road or scrapping. But with current prices and availability, there is no rush.
I do have other spares like Motor and general blingo bits but no spare controllers.
I too believe the Blingo is a brilliant vehicle, by October we will be running two of them with a total monthly mileage of around 1500, and only having to use our diesel car (now only one) a couple of days per month.

Spares are a major issue, and It may be worth starting to assemble a register. I would be happy to do this and maintain it if there is enough interest. If people let me know what they have and a contact, I can check and pass on anyones requirements/ BVS contact.



Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:33 pm
by Tony Dolby
Wow, Grumpy-b.
Sounds like you have Alladins cave there. :D

I would love to do a total rebuild but don't have any premises yet, until I get one I don't need any spares. Talk about the chicken & the egg!

I was aiming at 2 Blingos, a 1.6HDi which I've just bought and an Electrique. Just 2 Renaults to off load!!

If I could up the range to about 120 miles ( on one ) I could manage with 2 Leccy's, Sounds like you are almost there.

I think the register for spares available/required is a brilliant idea, there must be a few "dead" battery packs out there and various non runners.

Is your "nearly" runner for sale? If so can you e-mail me details?

This is a great Forum :lol:

Cheers All, Tony.