Berlingo service

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Berlingo service

Postby sticks » Wed Jan 26, 2011 9:32 pm

Hi guys it's been a while and my berlingo is still on the button!!!!
But I think she needs a service , I've got an evlite but havnt got watering kit and to tell the truth abit scared lol as she runs so well I don't want to jinx it, I think my brushes are ok but I have a new set if need be, I'm just wondering what more stuff I'd need to do which Citroen would do if I took it to them, also is anyone in north London who would do the water etc for me obviously I'd pay lol

Long live the lingo
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Re: Berlingo service

Postby ChrisB » Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:18 pm

Personally I wouldnt give it to Citroen, they know very little about these vehicles these days and unless you are 100% sure they know exactly what they are doing with the electrics dont let them near it with a barge pole, they could end up doing way more damage than you could ever do if you did it yourself !!!!!!

You can get a watering kit from EVan its not a huge price from memory and its only the connector and pipe, but it does mean you can carry out the watering easily.

Dont be scared, its easy, its far better to carry it out than not to, same goes for the brushes DONT think they are OK, get down there or find someone to check them, you will cause far more irreversable damage if you dont make sure the brushes are good and if you dont water it.

Make sure the water is of good quality, pure distilled is the best, I have used standard de-ionised in the past but now use some medical grade pure water just to be on the safe side.

The only other thing thats special to the Berlingo is the gearbox oil which is worth checking as theres only a splash in there and if the splash leaks out then it doesnt take long for problems to occur.

Of course theres all the regualar car type stuff i.e brakes/steering/tyres/lights etc that need to be checked but you get that with any regular vehicle so nothing special.

Hope that helps

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