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Postby ChrisB » Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:02 pm

Oh no I can see a poll coming up "do you want the forum text size to change" :lol: :lol:

No plans to fiddle with anything just yet Qdos

I reject reality and substitute my own !!!!!!

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Postby qdos » Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:06 pm

You can guess what my vote will be It's fine nothing wrong with it at all. It's the same as litterally thousands upon thousands of other forums.

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Postby qdos » Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:20 am

Having recently got a pm from dekker sayng he is now able to read the forum with Firefox I believe this issue has now been resolved as it's quite likely from reading his message that it's been a settings problem at his end. Firefox has not got this problem for him apparantly.

Glad we were able to help you there Dekker

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Postby Deker » Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:28 am

Hi Folks.

An interesting thing about my screen res of 1152 + 864 is, at that setting everything on screen fits.

In some apps if I use a lower res I find horizontal scroll bars, and have to mess about with horizontal scrolling.
And before you shout get a decent mouse, my 7 button + scrollwheel cordless mouse is capable of horizontal scrolling.

Add to that Im only using a paltry 17" CRT (which is in pinsharp order) No space for a larger CRT.
I would like a larger TFT type screen, BUT, the ones Iv seen don't appear to be as sharp as my HP CRT.

On a previous PC with a lesser video card I could run at a lower res.

I think my biggest problem is - I still think like a teenager - - - A 67 seven year old one !!!

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Postby qdos » Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:42 am

ImageAt such a high resoloution with a smallish screen like that it's no wonder at all that you were finding it difficult to read.

Basically you're doing all this yourself. you're effectively trying to squeeze a quart into a pint pot.Image

Why on earth are you fiddling arround changing screen resoloutions all the time.Image Use one which is sensible and simply stick to it.

It's a bit like having a car. If you want to drive a Cadillac then you either make sure your garage is big enough to accomodate it or you park it on the road and hope people can squeeze past it. Otherwise get a Ford

Image . . . . . . Image

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