Blingo heater

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Blingo heater

Postby chatwindows » Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:39 pm

Hello again boys.
My heater has started to drive me crazy. It starts up every time, runs for about ten minutes then stops. A switch off and on again usually starts it up again. Down the road from us is a Marina (not the Morris one) so I asked the guy there if he knew anything about them. His reply filled me with foreboding for it was obvious that he was clutching at straws. You know the sort, but you are too well mannered to say g'day. Anyway he lifted the bonnet and gave it a dose of looking at. His conclusion was that I'm using the wrong fuel. He was adamant that they are designed to use diesel, as do the ones in the boats apparantly. Showing him the book did nought to placate him. Just try it with diesel was his response, and you'll never be in trouble again. To date I have not had the nerve to try his advice. Does anyone have any thoughts on this matter.
My charging light came on the other day at 35%. I had been doing short runs, but to keep the batteries warm these cold nights I had charged every night. I then went to Burton and came back the long way to run the batteries right down. The light came on at 25% this time. After a full charge I went to Burton again and did the long return again. This time got down to less than 20% with no light. (44 miles) It only flickered on that evening when I moved the van down to the front door to connect up to the outside plug. I wonder if the memory effect can do anything like this. All the best Chatwindows.

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Re: Blingo heater

Postby Grumpy-b » Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:25 pm

Blingos are most definitely Petrol.
the burner is different and the pump delivers a different amount of fuel for each time it is activated. THEY ARE NOT ALL DIESEL, YOUR MAN IS WRONG, just look at the webasto web site all is revealed. They will however work on diesel or a mixture. They dont wont work as effeciently. A touch of diesel say 30% may well help lubricate the pump. Its a pump sticking problem that they all suffer from. I think its worse in this weather as any moisture in the fuel will freeze and that also will help block the pump. A filter in the fuel line will help, as will cleaning out the fuel tank.
Since boats generally have diesel on board, I very much doubt that your man will ever have come across a petrol version.


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Re: Blingo heater

Postby chatwindows » Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:14 pm

Thanks Grumpy.
I guessed from his initial vague response that he was out of his depth. This is why I did not take his advice. Now having said all that, my heater has been great today. Not one single bloody hiccup. I have for some time now been giving it a few shots of oil from the oilcan each time I fill up. It has been fine for a year now and has only just started playing up again. Freezing water does now strike a chord doesn't it? I have used your "Dry Fuel" tip for some time now but am always worried about how much to add. The other day, I did put in a bit more than my usual cap full. I wonder if this may have a bearing. Just off out now into the cold cold night to pick the youngster up. I really really hope that it works as well tonight as it has done all day.
All the best, and thanks again. Always a pleasure.

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Re: Blingo heater

Postby ChrisB » Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:06 pm

Similar issue I have from time to time, I did find the "dry fuel" addition seemed to improve things, as for amounts it all depends on how much fuel is in the tank, I used about 1/6th of the bottle on a full tank.

Also having a full tank of fuel helped, anything below 1/2 and it would generally "flame out" and stop after about 10 or so mins

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Re: Blingo heater

Postby chatwindows » Sun Feb 05, 2012 3:20 pm

Grasping firmly on a piece of wood!!!
Would you believe it. After all my whinging, during the latest snow and blizzard conditions the pesky heater as worked just fine. Not even having to switch it on again after ten minutes, or anything like that. I feel that the ten squirts of oil may have done the trick. It smells a bit like an old tractor running on parrafin but who cares? As long as I am warm I don't open the windows to sniff.
I shall continue in this vein and keep you all posted if everything works.
Been out today in the snow. Now I am an old hand at driving electric, I find that the old girl is just fine. I was the only one who ventured down our hill today and did wonder. No probs. Coming back up the rise she started to spin a little so I feathered off and just let it carry on very gently. Got to the top without any further drama. I waved to the new guy with his shiny 4x4 still on the drive. I will have to get the pressure washer out when it clears up.
All the best, Chatwindows.

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Re: Blingo heater

Postby ChrisB » Sun Feb 05, 2012 4:39 pm

The Berlingos do seem to do well in the snow, mainly due to the skinny tyres and extra weight 8)

Half the problem with many of todays vehicles is they all have tyres the width of a footpath and thus dont get any traction and spin up real easy.

Glad the heaters running well, may try the oil idea on mine now 8)

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